const should = require('should'); const BaseModel = require('../../../core/server/models/base'); const {Label} = require('../../../core/server/models/label'); const {Product} = require('../../../core/server/models/product'); const {Member} = require('../../../core/server/models/member'); const {MemberStripeCustomer} = require('../../../core/server/models/member-stripe-customer'); const {StripeCustomerSubscription} = require('../../../core/server/models/stripe-customer-subscription'); const testUtils = require('../../utils'); const {StripeProduct} = require('../../../core/server/models/stripe-product'); const {StripePrice} = require('../../../core/server/models/stripe-price'); describe('Member Model', function run() { before(testUtils.teardownDb); beforeEach(testUtils.setup('roles')); afterEach(testUtils.teardownDb); describe('stripeSubscriptions', function () { it('It is correctly mapped to all a members subscriptions, regardless of customer', async function () { const context = testUtils.context.admin; await Member.add({ email: 'test@test.member', labels: [] }, context); const member = await Member.findOne({ email: 'test@test.member' }, context); should.exist(member, 'Member should have been created'); const product = await Product.add({ name: 'Ghost Product', slug: 'ghost-product' }, context); await StripeProduct.add({ product_id: product.get('id'), stripe_product_id: 'fake_product_id' }, context); await StripePrice.add({ stripe_price_id: 'fake_plan_id', stripe_product_id: 'fake_product_id', amount: 5000, interval: 'monthly', active: 1, nickname: 'Monthly', currency: 'USD', type: 'recurring' }, context); await MemberStripeCustomer.add({ member_id: member.get('id'), customer_id: 'fake_customer_id1' }, context); await MemberStripeCustomer.add({ member_id: member.get('id'), customer_id: 'fake_customer_id2' }, context); await StripeCustomerSubscription.add({ customer_id: 'fake_customer_id1', subscription_id: 'fake_subscription_id1', plan_id: 'fake_plan_id', stripe_price_id: 'fake_plan_id', plan_amount: 1337, plan_nickname: 'e-LEET', plan_interval: 'year', plan_currency: 'btc', status: 'active', start_date: new Date(), current_period_end: new Date(), cancel_at_period_end: false }, context); await StripeCustomerSubscription.add({ customer_id: 'fake_customer_id2', subscription_id: 'fake_subscription_id2', plan_id: 'fake_plan_id', stripe_price_id: 'fake_plan_id', plan_amount: 1337, plan_nickname: 'e-LEET', plan_interval: 'year', plan_currency: 'btc', status: 'active', start_date: new Date(), current_period_end: new Date(), cancel_at_period_end: false }, context); const memberWithRelations = await Member.findOne({ email: 'test@test.member' }, Object.assign({ withRelated: [ 'stripeSubscriptions', 'stripeSubscriptions.customer' ] }, context)); const subscriptions = memberWithRelations.related('stripeSubscriptions').toJSON(); const subscription1 = subscriptions.find(({id}) => id === 'fake_subscription_id1'); const subscription2 = subscriptions.find(({id}) => id === 'fake_subscription_id2'); should.exist(subscription1); should.exist(subscription2); }); }); describe('stripeCustomers', function () { it('Is correctly mapped to the stripe customers', async function () { const context = testUtils.context.admin; await Member.add({ email: 'test@test.member', stripeCustomers: [{ customer_id: 'fake_customer_id1' }] }, context); const customer1 = await MemberStripeCustomer.findOne({ customer_id: 'fake_customer_id1' }, context); should.exist(customer1, 'MemberStripeCustomer should have been created'); await MemberStripeCustomer.add({ member_id: customer1.get('member_id'), customer_id: 'fake_customer_id2' }, context); const member = await Member.findOne({ email: 'test@test.member' }, Object.assign({}, context, { withRelated: ['stripeCustomers'] })); should.exist(member.related('stripeCustomers'), 'Member should have been fetched with stripeCustomers'); const stripeCustomers = member.related('stripeCustomers'); should.equal(stripeCustomers.length, 2, 'Should be two stripeCustomers'); should.equal(stripeCustomers.models[0].get('customer_id'), 'fake_customer_id1'); should.equal(stripeCustomers.models[1].get('customer_id'), 'fake_customer_id2'); }); }); describe('destroy', function () { it('Cascades to members_labels, members_stripe_customers & members_stripe_customers_subscriptions', async function () { const context = testUtils.context.admin; await Member.add({ email: 'test@test.member', labels: [{ name: 'A label', slug: 'a-unique-slug-for-testing-members-model' }] }, context); const member = await Member.findOne({ email: 'test@test.member' }, context); should.exist(member, 'Member should have been created'); const label = await Label.findOne({ slug: 'a-unique-slug-for-testing-members-model' }, context); should.exist(label, 'Label should have been created'); const memberLabel = await BaseModel.knex('members_labels').where({ label_id: label.get('id'), member_id: member.get('id') }).select().first(); should.exist(memberLabel, 'Label should have been attached to member'); await MemberStripeCustomer.add({ member_id: member.get('id'), customer_id: 'fake_customer_id' }, context); const customer = await MemberStripeCustomer.findOne({ member_id: member.get('id') }, context); should.exist(customer, 'Customer should have been created'); const product = await Product.add({ name: 'Ghost Product', slug: 'ghost-product' }, context); await StripeProduct.add({ product_id: product.get('id'), stripe_product_id: 'fake_product_id' }, context); await StripePrice.add({ stripe_price_id: 'fake_plan_id', stripe_product_id: 'fake_product_id', amount: 5000, interval: 'monthly', active: 1, nickname: 'Monthly', currency: 'USD', type: 'recurring' }, context); await StripeCustomerSubscription.add({ customer_id: 'fake_customer_id', subscription_id: 'fake_subscription_id', plan_id: 'fake_plan_id', stripe_price_id: 'fake_plan_id', plan_amount: 1337, plan_nickname: 'e-LEET', plan_interval: 'year', plan_currency: 'btc', status: 'active', start_date: new Date(), current_period_end: new Date(), cancel_at_period_end: false }, context); const subscription = await StripeCustomerSubscription.findOne({ customer_id: customer.get('customer_id') }, context); should.exist(subscription, 'Subscription should have been created'); await Member.destroy(Object.assign({ id: member.get('id') }, context)); const memberAfterDestroy = await Member.findOne({ email: 'test@test.member' }); should.not.exist(memberAfterDestroy, 'Member should have been destroyed'); const memberLabelAfterDestroy = await BaseModel.knex('members_labels').where({ label_id: label.get('id'), member_id: member.get('id') }).select().first(); should.not.exist(memberLabelAfterDestroy, 'Label should have been removed from member'); const customerAfterDestroy = await MemberStripeCustomer.findOne({ member_id: member.get('id') }); should.not.exist(customerAfterDestroy, 'MemberStripeCustomer should have been destroyed'); const subscriptionAfterDestroy = await StripeCustomerSubscription.findOne({ customer_id: customer.get('customer_id') }); should.not.exist(subscriptionAfterDestroy, 'StripeCustomerSubscription should have been destroyed'); }); }); describe('findAll', function () { beforeEach(testUtils.setup('members')); it('can use search query', function (done) { Member.findAll({search: 'egg'}).then(function (queryResult) { queryResult.length.should.equal(1); queryResult.models[0].get('name').should.equal('Mr Egg'); done(); }).catch(done); }); }); describe('products', function () { it('Products can be created & added to members by the product array', async function () { const context = testUtils.context.admin; const product = await Product.add({ name: 'Product-Add-Test' }); const member = await Member.add({ email: 'testing-products@test.member', products: [{ id: }, { name: 'Product-Create-Test' }] }, { ...context, withRelated: ['products'] }); const createdProduct = await Product.findOne({ name: 'Product-Create-Test' }, context); should.exist(createdProduct, 'Product should have been created'); const products = member.related('products').toJSON(); should.exist( products.find(model => === 'Product-Create-Test') ); should.exist( products.find(model => === 'Product-Add-Test') ); }); }); describe('Filtering on products', function () { it('Should allow filtering on products', async function () { const context = testUtils.context.admin; await Member.add({ email: 'filter-test@test.member', products: [{ name: 'VIP', slug: 'vip' }] }, context); const member = await Member.findOne({ email: 'filter-test@test.member' }, context); should.exist(member, 'Member should have been created'); const product = await Product.findOne({ slug: 'vip' }, context); should.exist(product, 'Product should have been created'); const memberProduct = await BaseModel.knex('members_products').where({ product_id: product.get('id'), member_id: member.get('id') }).select().first(); should.exist(memberProduct, 'Product should have been attached to member'); const vipProductMembers = await Member.findPage({filter: 'products:vip'}); const foundMemberInVIP = => ===; should.exist(foundMemberInVIP, 'Member should have been included in products filter'); const podcastProductMembers = await Member.findPage({filter: 'products:podcast'}); const foundMemberInPodcast = => ===; should.not.exist(foundMemberInPodcast, 'Member should not have been included in products filter'); }); }); describe('Filtering', function () { it('Should allow filtering on name', async function () { const context = testUtils.context.admin; await Member.add({ name: 'Name Filter Test', email: 'name-filter-test@test.member', products: [{ name: 'VIP', slug: 'vip' }] }, context); const member = await Member.findOne({ email: 'name-filter-test@test.member' }, context); should.exist(member, 'Member should have been created'); const membersByName = await Member.findPage({filter: `name:'Name Filter Test'`}); const foundMember = => ===; should.exist(foundMember, 'Member should have been included in name filter'); }); it('Should allow filtering on email', async function () { const context = testUtils.context.admin; await Member.add({ email: 'email-filter-test@test.member', products: [{ name: 'VIP', slug: 'vip' }] }, context); const member = await Member.findOne({ email: 'email-filter-test@test.member' }, context); should.exist(member, 'Member should have been created'); const membersByName = await Member.findPage({filter: `email:email-filter-test@test.member`}); const foundMember = => ===; should.exist(foundMember, 'Member should have been included in name filter'); }); it('Should allow filtering on subscriptions', async function () { const context = testUtils.context.admin; const member = await Member.add({ email: 'test@test.member', labels: [] }, context); const product = await Product.add({ name: 'Ghost Product', slug: 'ghost-product' }, context); await StripeProduct.add({ product_id: product.get('id'), stripe_product_id: 'fake_product_id' }, context); await StripePrice.add({ stripe_price_id: 'fake_plan_id', stripe_product_id: 'fake_product_id', amount: 5000, interval: 'monthly', active: 1, nickname: 'Monthly', currency: 'USD', type: 'recurring' }, context); await MemberStripeCustomer.add({ member_id: member.get('id'), customer_id: 'fake_customer_id1' }, context); await MemberStripeCustomer.add({ member_id: member.get('id'), customer_id: 'fake_customer_id2' }, context); const subscription1 = await StripeCustomerSubscription.add({ customer_id: 'fake_customer_id1', subscription_id: 'fake_subscription_id1', plan_id: 'fake_plan_id', stripe_price_id: 'fake_plan_id', plan_amount: 1337, plan_nickname: 'e-LEET', plan_interval: 'year', plan_currency: 'btc', status: 'active', start_date: new Date(), current_period_end: new Date(), cancel_at_period_end: false }, context); const subscription2 = await StripeCustomerSubscription.add({ customer_id: 'fake_customer_id2', subscription_id: 'fake_subscription_id2', plan_id: 'fake_plan_id', stripe_price_id: 'fake_plan_id', plan_amount: 1337, plan_nickname: 'e-LEET', plan_interval: 'year', plan_currency: 'btc', status: 'canceled', start_date: new Date(), current_period_end: new Date(), cancel_at_period_end: false }, context); { const members = await Member.findPage({filter: `subscriptions.status:canceled+subscriptions.status:-active`}); should.equal(, 0, 'Can search for members with canceled subscription and no active ones'); } await StripeCustomerSubscription.edit({ status: 'canceled' }, { id:, ...context }); { const members = await Member.findPage({filter: `subscriptions.status:canceled+subscriptions.status:-active`}); should.equal(, 1, 'Can search for members with canceled subscription and no active ones'); } { const members = await Member.findPage({filter: `subscriptions.plan_interval:year`}); should.equal(, 1, 'Can search for members by plan_interval'); } await StripeCustomerSubscription.edit({ plan_interval: 'month' }, { id:, ...context }); { const members = await Member.findPage({filter: `subscriptions.plan_interval:month+subscriptions.plan_interval:-year`}); should.equal(, 0, 'Can search for members by plan_interval'); } }); }); });