import Component from '@ember/component'; import SettingsMenuMixin from 'ghost-admin/mixins/settings-menu-component'; import boundOneWay from 'ghost-admin/utils/bound-one-way'; import formatMarkdown from 'ghost-admin/utils/format-markdown'; import moment from 'moment'; import {alias, or} from '@ember/object/computed'; import {computed} from '@ember/object'; import {run} from '@ember/runloop'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; import {task, timeout} from 'ember-concurrency'; const PSM_ANIMATION_LENGTH = 400; export default Component.extend(SettingsMenuMixin, { feature: service(), store: service(), config: service(), ajax: service(), ghostPaths: service(), notifications: service(), slugGenerator: service(), session: service(), settings: service(), ui: service(), post: null, _showSettingsMenu: false, _showThrobbers: false, canonicalUrlScratch: alias('post.canonicalUrlScratch'), customExcerptScratch: alias('post.customExcerptScratch'), codeinjectionFootScratch: alias('post.codeinjectionFootScratch'), codeinjectionHeadScratch: alias('post.codeinjectionHeadScratch'), metaDescriptionScratch: alias('post.metaDescriptionScratch'), metaTitleScratch: alias('post.metaTitleScratch'), ogDescriptionScratch: alias('post.ogDescriptionScratch'), ogTitleScratch: alias('post.ogTitleScratch'), twitterDescriptionScratch: alias('post.twitterDescriptionScratch'), twitterTitleScratch: alias('post.twitterTitleScratch'), slugValue: boundOneWay('post.slug'), facebookDescription: or('ogDescriptionScratch', 'customExcerptScratch', 'seoDescription', 'post.excerpt', 'settings.description', ''), facebookImage: or('post.ogImage', 'post.featureImage'), facebookTitle: or('ogTitleScratch', 'seoTitle'), twitterDescription: or('twitterDescriptionScratch', 'customExcerptScratch', 'seoDescription', 'post.excerpt', 'settings.description', ''), twitterImage: or('post.twitterImage', 'post.featureImage'), twitterTitle: or('twitterTitleScratch', 'seoTitle'), showVisibilityInput: or('session.user.isOwner', 'session.user.isAdmin', 'session.user.isEditor'), showEmailNewsletter: or('session.user.isOwner', 'session.user.isAdmin', 'session.user.isEditor'), seoTitle: computed('metaTitleScratch', 'post.titleScratch', function () { return this.metaTitleScratch || || '(Untitled)'; }), seoDescription: computed('post.scratch', 'metaDescriptionScratch', function () { let metaDescription = this.metaDescriptionScratch || ''; let mobiledoc = this.get('post.scratch'); let [markdownCard] = (mobiledoc && || []; let markdown = markdownCard && markdownCard[1] && markdownCard[1].markdown; let placeholder; if (metaDescription) { placeholder = metaDescription; } else { let div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = formatMarkdown(markdown, false); // Strip HTML placeholder = div.textContent; // Replace new lines and trim placeholder = placeholder.replace(/\n+/g, ' ').trim(); } return placeholder; }), seoURL: computed('post.{slug,canonicalUrl}', 'config.blogUrl', function () { let blogUrl = this.get('config.blogUrl'); let seoSlug = || ''; let canonicalUrl = || ''; if (canonicalUrl) { if (canonicalUrl.match(/^\//)) { return `${blogUrl}${canonicalUrl}`; } else { return canonicalUrl; } } else { let seoURL = `${blogUrl}/${seoSlug}`; // only append a slash to the URL if the slug exists if (seoSlug) { seoURL += '/'; } return seoURL; } }), didReceiveAttrs() { this._super(...arguments); // HACK: ugly method of working around the CSS animations so that we // can add throbbers only when the animation has finished // TODO: use liquid-fire to handle PSM slide-in and replace tabs manager // with something more ember-like if (this.showSettingsMenu && !this._showSettingsMenu) { this.showThrobbers.perform(); } // fired when menu is closed if (!this.showSettingsMenu && this._showSettingsMenu) { let post =; let errors = post.get('errors'); // reset the publish date if it has an error if (errors.has('publishedAtBlogDate') || errors.has('publishedAtBlogTime')) { post.set('publishedAtBlogTZ', post.get('publishedAtUTC')); post.validate({attribute: 'publishedAtBlog'}); } // remove throbbers this.set('_showThrobbers', false); } this._showSettingsMenu = this.showSettingsMenu; }, actions: { showSubview(subview) { this._super(...arguments); this.set('subview', subview); // Chrome appears to have an animation bug that cancels the slide // transition unless there's a delay between the animation starting // and the throbbers being removed run.later(this, function () { this.set('_showThrobbers', false); }, 50); }, closeSubview() { this._super(...arguments); this.set('subview', null); this.showThrobbers.perform(); }, discardEnter() { return false; }, toggleFeatured() { this.toggleProperty('post.featured'); // If this is a new post. Don't save the post. Defer the save // to the user pressing the save button if (this.get('post.isNew')) { return; } this.savePost.perform().catch((error) => { this.showError(error);; }); }, /** * triggered by user manually changing slug */ updateSlug(newSlug) { return this.updateSlug .perform(newSlug) .catch((error) => { this.showError(error);; }); }, setPublishedAtBlogDate(date) { let post =; let dateString = moment(date).format('YYYY-MM-DD'); post.get('errors').remove('publishedAtBlogDate'); if (post.get('isNew') || date === post.get('publishedAtBlogDate')) { post.validate({property: 'publishedAtBlog'}); } else { post.set('publishedAtBlogDate', dateString); return this.savePost.perform(); } }, setPublishedAtBlogTime(time) { let post =; post.get('errors').remove('publishedAtBlogDate'); if (post.get('isNew') || time === post.get('publishedAtBlogTime')) { post.validate({property: 'publishedAtBlog'}); } else { post.set('publishedAtBlogTime', time); return this.savePost.perform(); } }, setCustomExcerpt(excerpt) { let post =; let currentExcerpt = post.get('customExcerpt'); if (excerpt === currentExcerpt) { return; } post.set('customExcerpt', excerpt); return post.validate({property: 'customExcerpt'}).then(() => this.savePost.perform()); }, setHeaderInjection(code) { let post =; let currentCode = post.get('codeinjectionHead'); if (code === currentCode) { return; } post.set('codeinjectionHead', code); return post.validate({property: 'codeinjectionHead'}).then(() => this.savePost.perform()); }, setFooterInjection(code) { let post =; let currentCode = post.get('codeinjectionFoot'); if (code === currentCode) { return; } post.set('codeinjectionFoot', code); return post.validate({property: 'codeinjectionFoot'}).then(() => this.savePost.perform()); }, setMetaTitle(metaTitle) { // Grab the post and current stored meta title let post =; let currentTitle = post.get('metaTitle'); // If the title entered matches the stored meta title, do nothing if (currentTitle === metaTitle) { return; } // If the title entered is different, set it as the new meta title post.set('metaTitle', metaTitle); // Make sure the meta title is valid and if so, save it into the post return post.validate({property: 'metaTitle'}).then(() => { if (post.get('isNew')) { return; } return this.savePost.perform(); }); }, setMetaDescription(metaDescription) { // Grab the post and current stored meta description let post =; let currentDescription = post.get('metaDescription'); // If the title entered matches the stored meta title, do nothing if (currentDescription === metaDescription) { return; } // If the title entered is different, set it as the new meta title post.set('metaDescription', metaDescription); // Make sure the meta title is valid and if so, save it into the post return post.validate({property: 'metaDescription'}).then(() => { if (post.get('isNew')) { return; } return this.savePost.perform(); }); }, setCanonicalUrl(value) { // Grab the post and current stored meta description let post =; let currentCanonicalUrl = post.canonicalUrl; // If the value entered matches the stored value, do nothing if (currentCanonicalUrl === value) { return; } // If the value supplied is different, set it as the new value post.set('canonicalUrl', value); // Make sure the value is valid and if so, save it into the post return post.validate({property: 'canonicalUrl'}).then(() => { if (post.get('isNew')) { return; } return this.savePost.perform(); }); }, setOgTitle(ogTitle) { // Grab the post and current stored facebook title let post =; let currentTitle = post.get('ogTitle'); // If the title entered matches the stored facebook title, do nothing if (currentTitle === ogTitle) { return; } // If the title entered is different, set it as the new facebook title post.set('ogTitle', ogTitle); // Make sure the facebook title is valid and if so, save it into the post return post.validate({property: 'ogTitle'}).then(() => { if (post.get('isNew')) { return; } return this.savePost.perform(); }); }, setOgDescription(ogDescription) { // Grab the post and current stored facebook description let post =; let currentDescription = post.get('ogDescription'); // If the title entered matches the stored facebook description, do nothing if (currentDescription === ogDescription) { return; } // If the description entered is different, set it as the new facebook description post.set('ogDescription', ogDescription); // Make sure the facebook description is valid and if so, save it into the post return post.validate({property: 'ogDescription'}).then(() => { if (post.get('isNew')) { return; } return this.savePost.perform(); }); }, setTwitterTitle(twitterTitle) { // Grab the post and current stored twitter title let post =; let currentTitle = post.get('twitterTitle'); // If the title entered matches the stored twitter title, do nothing if (currentTitle === twitterTitle) { return; } // If the title entered is different, set it as the new twitter title post.set('twitterTitle', twitterTitle); // Make sure the twitter title is valid and if so, save it into the post return post.validate({property: 'twitterTitle'}).then(() => { if (post.get('isNew')) { return; } return this.savePost.perform(); }); }, setTwitterDescription(twitterDescription) { // Grab the post and current stored twitter description let post =; let currentDescription = post.get('twitterDescription'); // If the description entered matches the stored twitter description, do nothing if (currentDescription === twitterDescription) { return; } // If the description entered is different, set it as the new twitter description post.set('twitterDescription', twitterDescription); // Make sure the twitter description is valid and if so, save it into the post return post.validate({property: 'twitterDescription'}).then(() => { if (post.get('isNew')) { return; } return this.savePost.perform(); }); }, setCoverImage(image) { this.set('post.featureImage', image); if (this.get('post.isNew')) { return; } this.savePost.perform().catch((error) => { this.showError(error);; }); }, clearCoverImage() { this.set('post.featureImage', ''); if (this.get('post.isNew')) { return; } this.savePost.perform().catch((error) => { this.showError(error);; }); }, setOgImage(image) { this.set('post.ogImage', image); if (this.get('post.isNew')) { return; } this.savePost.perform().catch((error) => { this.showError(error);; }); }, clearOgImage() { this.set('post.ogImage', ''); if (this.get('post.isNew')) { return; } this.savePost.perform().catch((error) => { this.showError(error);; }); }, setTwitterImage(image) { this.set('post.twitterImage', image); if (this.get('post.isNew')) { return; } this.savePost.perform().catch((error) => { this.showError(error);; }); }, clearTwitterImage() { this.set('post.twitterImage', ''); if (this.get('post.isNew')) { return; } this.savePost.perform().catch((error) => { this.showError(error);; }); }, changeAuthors(newAuthors) { let post =; // return if nothing changed if (newAuthors.mapBy('id').join() === post.get('authors').mapBy('id').join()) { return; } post.set('authors', newAuthors); post.validate({property: 'authors'}); // if this is a new post (never been saved before), don't try to save it if (post.get('isNew')) { return; } this.savePost.perform().catch((error) => { this.showError(error); post.rollbackAttributes(); }); }, deletePost() { if (this.deletePost) { this.deletePost(); } } }, showThrobbers: task(function* () { yield timeout(PSM_ANIMATION_LENGTH); this.set('_showThrobbers', true); }).restartable(), showError(error) { // TODO: remove null check once ValidationEngine has been removed if (error) { this.notifications.showAPIError(error); } } });