import Service, {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; import { Color, darkenToContrastThreshold, lightenToContrastThreshold } from '@tryghost/color-utils'; import {action, get} from '@ember/object'; import {inject} from 'ghost-admin/decorators/inject'; import {isEmpty} from '@ember/utils'; import {tracked} from '@glimmer/tracking'; function collectMetadataClasses(transition, prop) { let oldClasses = []; let newClasses = []; let {from, to} = transition; while (from) { oldClasses = oldClasses.concat(get(from, `metadata.${prop}`) || []); from = from.parent; } while (to) { newClasses = newClasses.concat(get(to, `metadata.${prop}`) || []); to = to.parent; } return {oldClasses, newClasses}; } function updateBodyClasses(transition) { let {body} = document; let {oldClasses, newClasses} = collectMetadataClasses(transition, 'bodyClasses'); oldClasses.forEach((oldClass) => { body.classList.remove(oldClass); }); newClasses.forEach((newClass) => { body.classList.add(newClass); }); } export default class UiService extends Service { @service dropdown; @service feature; @service mediaQueries; @service router; @service settings; @inject config; @tracked contextualNavMenu = null; @tracked isFullScreen = false; @tracked mainClass = ''; @tracked showMobileMenu = false; get isMobile() { return this.mediaQueries.isMobile; } get isSideNavHidden() { return this.isFullScreen || this.isMobile; } get hasSideNav() { return !this.isSideNavHidden; } get backgroundColor() { // hardcoded background colors because // grabbing color from .gh-main with getComputedStyle always returns #ffffff return this.feature.nightShift ? '#151719' : '#ffffff'; } get adjustedAccentColor() { const accentColor = Color(this.settings.accentColor); const backgroundColor = Color(this.backgroundColor); // WCAG contrast. 1 = lowest contrast, 21 = highest contrast const accentContrast = accentColor.contrast(backgroundColor); if (accentContrast > 2) { return accentColor.hex(); } let adjustedAccentColor = accentColor; if (this.feature.nightShift) { adjustedAccentColor = lightenToContrastThreshold(accentColor, backgroundColor, 2); } else { adjustedAccentColor = darkenToContrastThreshold(accentColor, backgroundColor, 2); } return adjustedAccentColor.hex(); } constructor() { super(...arguments); this.router.on('routeDidChange', (transition) => { updateBodyClasses(transition); this.updateDocumentTitle(); let {newClasses: mainClasses} = collectMetadataClasses(transition, 'mainClasses'); this.mainClass = mainClasses.join(' '); }); } @action closeMenus() { this.dropdown.closeDropdowns(); this.showMobileMenu = false; } @action closeMobileMenu() { this.showMobileMenu = false; } @action openMobileMenu() { this.showMobileMenu = true; } @action setMainClass(mainClass) { this.mainClass = mainClass; } @action updateDocumentTitle() { let {currentRoute} = this.router; let tokens = []; while (currentRoute) { let titleToken = get(currentRoute, 'metadata.titleToken'); if (typeof titleToken === 'function') { titleToken = titleToken(); } if (titleToken) { tokens.unshift(titleToken); } currentRoute = currentRoute.parent; } let blogTitle = this.config.blogTitle; if (!isEmpty(tokens)) { window.document.title = `${tokens.join(' - ')} - ${blogTitle}`; } else { window.document.title = blogTitle; } } @action initBodyDragHandlers() { // when any drag event is occurring we add `data-user-is-dragging` to the // body element so that we can have dropzones start listening to pointer // events allowing us to have interactive elements "underneath" drop zones this.bodyDragEnterHandler = (event) => { if (!event.dataTransfer) { return; } document.body.dataset.userIsDragging = true; window.clearTimeout(this.dragTimer); }; this.bodyDragLeaveHandler = (event) => { // only remove document-level "user is dragging" indicator when leaving the document if (event.screenX !== 0 || event.screenY !== 0) { return; } window.clearTimeout(this.dragTimer); this.dragTimer = window.setTimeout(() => { delete document.body.dataset.userIsDragging; }, 50); }; this.cancelDrag = () => { delete document.body.dataset.userIsDragging; }; document.body.addEventListener('dragenter', this.bodyDragEnterHandler, {capture: true}); document.body.addEventListener('dragleave', this.bodyDragLeaveHandler, {capture: true}); document.body.addEventListener('dragend', this.cancelDrag, {capture: true}); document.body.addEventListener('drop', this.cancelDrag, {capture: true}); } @action cleanupBodyDragHandlers() { document.body.removeEventListener('dragenter', this.bodyDragEnterHandler, {capture: true}); document.body.removeEventListener('dragleave', this.bodyDragLeaveHandler, {capture: true}); document.body.removeEventListener('dragend', this.cancelDrag, {capture: true}); document.body.removeEventListener('drop', this.cancelDrag, {capture: true}); } }