{{svg-jar "gift"}} What's new?

{{#each this.whatsNew.entries as |entry|}}

{{moment-format entry.published_at "DD MMMM YYYY"}}


{{#if entry.feature_image}} {{/if}}
{{/each}} See all updates →
{{#if this.upgradeStatus.message}}

Update available! {{this.upgradeStatus.message}}

  • Version: {{this.config.version}}
  • {{#if this.showSystemInfo}}
  • Environment: {{this.config.environment}}
  • Database: {{this.config.database}}
  • Mail: {{#if this.config.mail}}{{this.config.mail}}{{else}}Native{{/if}}
  • {{/if}} {{#if (enable-developer-experiments)}}
  • Developer experiments: Enabled
  • {{/if}}
{{#if (and this.showSystemInfo this.showDatabaseWarning)}}

Warning: MySQL 8 will be the required database in the next major release of Ghost. Make sure your database is up to date to ensure forwards compatibility.
