{{capitalize this.post.displayName}} settings

{{!-- new posts don't have a preview link --}} {{#unless this.post.isNew}} {{#if (or this.post.isPublished this.post.isSent)}} View {{this.post.displayName}} {{svg-jar "external"}} {{else if this.post.isScheduled}} Preview {{svg-jar "external"}} {{/if}} {{/unless}} {{#if this.post.isSent}} {{else}} {{/if}}
{{#if (or this.post.isDraft this.post.isPublished this.post.pastScheduledTime this.post.isSent)}} {{else}} {{/if}} {{#unless (or this.post.isDraft this.post.isPublished this.post.pastScheduledTime this.post.isSent)}}

Use the publish menu to re-schedule

{{#unless this.session.user.isContributor}}
{{/unless}} {{#if this.showVisibilityInput}} {{#if (eq this.post.visibility "tiers")}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{#unless this.session.user.isAuthorOrContributor}} {{/unless}}
{{#unless this.post.isNew}}
{{! .settings-menu-content }}
{{! .post-settings-menu }} {{#if this.isViewingSubview}}
{{#if (eq this.subview "meta-data")}}

Meta data

Recommended: 60 characters. You’ve used {{gh-count-down-characters this.metaTitleScratch 60}}

Recommended: 145 characters. You’ve used {{gh-count-down-characters this.metaDescriptionScratch 145}}

{{svg-jar "google"}}
{{truncate this.seoTitle 60}}
{{moment-format (now) "DD MMM YYYY"}} — {{#if this.seoDescription}}{{truncate this.seoDescription 149}}{{else}}Search engines will automatically show a custom preview of content related to the search term here if no custom meta description is set.{{/if}}
{{/if}} {{#if (eq this.subview "twitter-data")}}

Twitter card

{{/if}} {{#if (eq this.subview "facebook-data")}}

Facebook card

{{#if this.facebookImage}}
{{!-- Ensures description is hidden if title exceeds one line --}}
{{truncate this.facebookTitle}}
{{truncate this.facebookDescription}}
{{/if}} {{#if (eq this.subview "codeinjection")}}

Code injection

{{/if}} {{#if this.showPostHistory}} {{/if}}