const assert = require('assert/strict'); const sinon = require('sinon'); const knex = require('knex'); const {Tier} = require('@tryghost/tiers'); const PaymentsService = require('../../lib/PaymentsService'); describe('PaymentsService', function () { let Bookshelf; let db; before(async function () { db = knex({ client: 'sqlite3', useNullAsDefault: true, connection: { filename: ':memory:' } }); await db.schema.createTable('offers', function (table) { table.string('id', 24); table.string('stripe_coupon_id', 255); table.string('discount_type', 191); }); await db.schema.createTable('stripe_products', function (table) { table.string('id', 24); table.string('product_id', 24); table.string('stripe_product_id', 255); }); await db.schema.createTable('stripe_prices', function (table) { table.string('id', 24); table.string('stripe_price_id', 255); table.string('stripe_product_id', 255); table.boolean('active'); table.string('nickname', 191); table.string('currency', 50); table.integer('amount'); table.string('type', 50); table.string('interval', 50); }); await db.schema.createTable('stripe_customers', function (table) { table.string('id', 24); table.string('member_id', 24); table.string('stripe_customer_id', 255); table.string('name', 191); table.string('email', 191); }); Bookshelf = require('bookshelf')(db); }); beforeEach(async function () { await db('offers').truncate(); await db('stripe_products').truncate(); await db('stripe_prices').truncate(); await db('stripe_customers').truncate(); }); after(async function () { await db.destroy(); }); describe('getPaymentLink', function () { it('Can handle 404 from Stripe', async function () { const BaseModel = Bookshelf.Model.extend({}, { async add() {}, async edit() {} }); const Offer = BaseModel.extend({ tableName: 'offers' }); const StripeProduct = BaseModel.extend({ tableName: 'stripe_products' }); const StripePrice = BaseModel.extend({ tableName: 'stripe_prices' }); const StripeCustomer = BaseModel.extend({ tableName: 'stripe_customers' }); const offersAPI = {}; const stripeAPIService = { createCheckoutSession: sinon.fake.resolves({ url: 'https://checkout.session' }), getCustomer: sinon.fake(), createCustomer: sinon.fake(), getProduct: sinon.fake.resolves({ id: 'prod_1', active: true }), editProduct: sinon.fake(), createProduct: sinon.fake.resolves({ id: 'prod_1', active: true }), getPrice: sinon.fake.rejects(new Error('Price does not exist')), createPrice: sinon.fake(function (data) { return Promise.resolve({ id: 'price_1', active:, unit_amount: data.amount, currency: data.currency, nickname: data.nickname, recurring: { interval: data.interval } }); }), createCoupon: sinon.fake() }; const service = new PaymentsService({ Offer, StripeProduct, StripePrice, StripeCustomer, offersAPI, stripeAPIService }); const tier = await Tier.create({ name: 'Test tier', slug: 'test-tier', currency: 'usd', monthlyPrice: 1000, yearlyPrice: 10000 }); const price = StripePrice.forge({ id: 'id_1', stripe_price_id: 'price_1', stripe_product_id: 'prod_1', active: true, interval: 'month', nickname: 'Monthly', currency: 'usd', amount: 1000, type: 'recurring' }); const product = StripeProduct.forge({ id: 'id_1', stripe_product_id: 'prod_1', product_id: }); await, {method: 'insert'}); await, {method: 'insert'}); const cadence = 'month'; const offer = null; const member = null; const metadata = {}; const options = {}; const url = await service.getPaymentLink({ tier, cadence, offer, member, metadata, options }); assert(url); }); it('Can remove trial days in case of an existing coupon', async function () { const BaseModel = Bookshelf.Model.extend({}, { async add() {}, async edit() {} }); const Offer = BaseModel.extend({ tableName: 'offers', where: () => { return { query: () => { return { select: () => { return { first: sinon.stub().resolves({ stripe_coupon_id: 'stripe_coupon_1' }) }; } }; } }; } }); const StripeProduct = BaseModel.extend({ tableName: 'stripe_products' }); const StripePrice = BaseModel.extend({ tableName: 'stripe_prices' }); const StripeCustomer = BaseModel.extend({ tableName: 'stripe_customers' }); const offersAPI = {}; const stripeAPIService = { createCheckoutSession: sinon.fake.resolves({ url: 'https://checkout.session' }), getCustomer: sinon.fake(), createCustomer: sinon.fake(), getProduct: sinon.fake.resolves({ id: 'prod_1', active: true }), editProduct: sinon.fake(), createProduct: sinon.fake.resolves({ id: 'prod_1', active: true }), getPrice: sinon.fake(function () { return Promise.resolve({ id: 'price_1' }); }), createPrice: sinon.fake(function (data) { return Promise.resolve({ id: 'price_1', active:, unit_amount: data.amount, currency: data.currency, nickname: data.nickname, recurring: { interval: data.interval } }); }), createCoupon: sinon.fake() }; const service = new PaymentsService({ Offer, StripeProduct, StripePrice, StripeCustomer, offersAPI, stripeAPIService }); const tier = await Tier.create({ name: 'Test tier', slug: 'test-tier', currency: 'usd', monthlyPrice: 1000, yearlyPrice: 10000, trialDays: 7 }); const price = StripePrice.forge({ id: 'id_1', stripe_price_id: 'price_1', stripe_product_id: 'prod_1', active: true, interval: 'month', nickname: 'Monthly', currency: 'usd', amount: 1000, type: 'recurring' }); const product = StripeProduct.forge({ id: 'id_1', stripe_product_id: 'prod_1', product_id: }); await, {method: 'insert'}); await, {method: 'insert'}); const cadence = 'month'; const offer = { id: 'discount_offer_1', tier: { id: } }; const member = null; const metadata = {}; const options = {}; await service.getPaymentLink({ tier, cadence, offer, member, metadata, options }); // assert trialDays should not be set when coupon is present for checkout session assert.equal(stripeAPIService.createCheckoutSession.getCall(0).args[2].coupon, 'stripe_coupon_1'); assert.equal(stripeAPIService.createCheckoutSession.getCall(0).args[2].trialDays, undefined); }); }); });