import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import { UnsupportedMediaTypeError, isThemeValidationError } from 'ghost-admin/services/ajax'; import {action} from '@ember/object'; import {run} from '@ember/runloop'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; import {task} from 'ember-concurrency'; import {tracked} from '@glimmer/tracking'; export default class UploadThemeModal extends Component { @service eventBus; @service ghostPaths; @service store; @service themeManagement; static modalOptions = { beforeClose: () => { if (this.themeManagement.isUploading) { return false; } } }; @tracked displayOverwriteWarning = false; @tracked file; @tracked theme; @tracked validationErrors; @tracked validationWarnings; @tracked fatalValidationErrors; accept = ['application/zip', 'application/x-zip-compressed']; extensions = ['zip']; get themes() { return'theme'); } get currentThemeNames() { return =>; } get themeName() { let themePackage = this.theme.package; let name =; return themePackage ? `${} - ${themePackage.version}` : name; } get fileThemeName() { return this.file?.name.replace(/\.zip$/, ''); } get canActivateTheme() { return this.theme && !; } get uploadUrl() { return `${this.ghostPaths.apiRoot}/themes/upload/`; } get hasWarningsOrErrors() { return this.validationWarnings?.length || this.validationErrors?.length; } get closeDisabled() { return this.themeManagement.isUploading; } constructor() { super(...arguments); this.refreshThemesTask.perform(); } @task *refreshThemesTask() { yield'theme'); } @action validateTheme(file) { const themeName =\.zip$/, '').replace(/[^\w@.]/gi, '-').toLowerCase(); this.file = file; const [, extension] = (/(?:\.([^.]+))?$/).exec(; const extensions = this.extensions; if (!extension || extensions.indexOf(extension.toLowerCase()) === -1) { return new UnsupportedMediaTypeError(); } if (^casper\.zip$/i)) { return {payload: {errors: [{message: 'Sorry, the default Casper theme cannot be overwritten.
Please rename your zip file to continue.'}]}}; } if (!this._allowOverwrite && this.currentThemeNames.includes(themeName)) { this.displayOverwriteWarning = true; return false; } return true; } @action confirmOverwrite() { this._allowOverwrite = true; this.displayOverwriteWarning = false; // we need to schedule afterRender so that the upload component is // displayed again in order to subscribe/respond to the event bus run.schedule('afterRender', this, function () { this.eventBus.publish('themeUploader:upload', this.file); }); } @action uploadSuccess(response) {; const theme ='theme', response.themes[0].name); this.theme = theme; if (theme.warnings?.length > 0) { this.validationWarnings = theme.warnings; } // Ghost differentiates between errors and fatal errors // You can't activate a theme with fatal errors, but with errors. if (theme.errors?.length > 0) { this.validationErrors = theme.errors; } } @action uploadFailed(errorResponse) { if (isThemeValidationError(errorResponse)) { const errors = errorResponse.payload.errors[0].details.errors; const fatalErrors = []; const normalErrors = []; // to have a proper grouping of fatal errors and none fatal, we need to check // our errors for the fatal property errors.forEach?.((error) => { if (error.fatal) { fatalErrors.push(error); } else { normalErrors.push(error); } }); this.fatalValidationErrors = fatalErrors; this.validationErrors = normalErrors; } } @action activate() { this.themeManagement.activateTask.perform(this.theme);; this.args.close(); } @action reset() { this.theme = null; this.validationWarnings = []; this.validationErrors = []; this.fatalValidationErrors = []; } }