const _ = require('lodash'); const {Router} = require('express'); const body = require('body-parser'); const MagicLink = require('@tryghost/magic-link'); const StripePaymentProcessor = require('./lib/stripe'); const Tokens = require('./lib/tokens'); const Users = require('./lib/users'); const Metadata = require('./lib/metadata'); const common = require('./lib/common'); const {getGeolocationFromIP} = require('./lib/geolocation'); module.exports = function MembersApi({ tokenConfig: { issuer, privateKey, publicKey }, auth: { allowSelfSignup = true, getSigninURL, secret }, paymentConfig, mail: { transporter, getText, getHTML, getSubject }, memberStripeCustomerModel, stripeCustomerSubscriptionModel, memberModel, logger }) { if (logger) { common.logging.setLogger(logger); } const {encodeIdentityToken, decodeToken} = Tokens({privateKey, publicKey, issuer}); const metadata = Metadata({memberStripeCustomerModel, stripeCustomerSubscriptionModel}); async function hasActiveStripeSubscriptions() { const firstActiveSubscription = await stripeCustomerSubscriptionModel.findOne({ status: 'active' }); if (firstActiveSubscription) { return true; } const firstTrialingSubscription = await stripeCustomerSubscriptionModel.findOne({ status: 'trialing' }); if (firstTrialingSubscription) { return true; } return false; } const stripeStorage = { async get(member) { return metadata.getMetadata('stripe', member); }, async set(data) { return metadata.setMetadata('stripe', data); } }; const stripe = paymentConfig.stripe ? new StripePaymentProcessor(paymentConfig.stripe, stripeStorage, common.logging) : null; async function ensureStripe(_req, res, next) { if (!stripe) { res.writeHead(400); return res.end('Stripe not configured'); } try { await stripe.ready(); next(); } catch (err) { res.writeHead(500); return res.end('There was an error configuring stripe'); } } const magicLinkService = new MagicLink({ transporter, secret, getSigninURL, getText, getHTML, getSubject }); async function sendEmailWithMagicLink({email, requestedType, payload, options = {forceEmailType: false}}){ if (options.forceEmailType) { return magicLinkService.sendMagicLink({email, payload, subject: email, type: requestedType}); } const member = await users.get({email}); if (member) { return magicLinkService.sendMagicLink({email, payload, subject: email, type: 'signin'}); } else { const type = requestedType === 'subscribe' ? 'subscribe' : 'signup'; return magicLinkService.sendMagicLink({email, payload, subject: email, type}); } } function getMagicLink(email) { return magicLinkService.getMagicLink({email, subject: email, type: 'signin'}); } const users = Users({ stripe, memberModel }); async function getMemberDataFromMagicLinkToken(token) { const email = await magicLinkService.getUserFromToken(token); const {labels = [], name = '', oldEmail} = await magicLinkService.getPayloadFromToken(token); if (!email) { return null; } const member = oldEmail ? await getMemberIdentityData(oldEmail) : await getMemberIdentityData(email); if (member) { if (oldEmail) { // user exists but wants to change their email address if (oldEmail) { = email; } await users.update(member, {id:}); return getMemberIdentityData(email); } return member; } await users.create({name, email, labels}); return getMemberIdentityData(email); } async function getMemberIdentityData(email){ return users.get({email}); } async function getMemberIdentityToken(email){ const member = await getMemberIdentityData(email); if (!member) { return null; } return encodeIdentityToken({sub:}); } async function setMemberGeolocationFromIp(email, ip) { if (!email || !ip) { return Promise.reject(new common.errors.IncorrectUsageError({ message: 'setMemberGeolocationFromIp() expects email and ip arguments to be present' })); } const member = await getMemberIdentityData(email); if (!member) { return Promise.reject(new common.errors.NotFoundError({ message: `Member with email address ${email} does not exist` })); } // max request time is 500ms so shouldn't slow requests down too much let geolocation = JSON.stringify(await getGeolocationFromIP(ip)); if (geolocation) { member.geolocation = geolocation; await users.update(member, {id:}); } return getMemberIdentityData(email); } const middleware = { sendMagicLink: Router(), createCheckoutSession: Router(), createCheckoutSetupSession: Router(), handleStripeWebhook: Router(), updateSubscription: Router({mergeParams: true}) }; middleware.sendMagicLink.use(body.json(), async function (req, res) { const {email, emailType, oldEmail} = req.body; const payload = {}; if (!email) { res.writeHead(400); return res.end('Bad Request.'); } try { if (oldEmail) { const existingMember = await users.get({email}); if (existingMember) { throw new common.errors.BadRequestError({ message: 'This email is already associated with a member' }); } } let extraPayload = {}; if (!allowSelfSignup) { const member = await users.get({email}); if (member) { extraPayload = _.pick(req.body, ['oldEmail']); Object.assign(payload, extraPayload); await sendEmailWithMagicLink({email, requestedType: emailType, payload}); } } else { extraPayload = _.pick(req.body, ['labels', 'name', 'oldEmail']); Object.assign(payload, extraPayload); await sendEmailWithMagicLink({email, requestedType: emailType, payload}); } res.writeHead(201); return res.end('Created.'); } catch (err) { common.logging.error(err); res.writeHead(500); return res.end('Internal Server Error.'); } }); middleware.createCheckoutSession.use(ensureStripe, body.json(), async function (req, res) { const plan = req.body.plan; const identity = req.body.identity; if (!plan) { res.writeHead(400); return res.end('Bad Request.'); } // NOTE: never allow "Complimenatry" plan to be subscribed to from the client if (plan.toLowerCase() === 'complimentary') { res.writeHead(400); return res.end('Bad Request.'); } let email; try { if (!identity) { email = null; } else { const claims = await decodeToken(identity); email = claims.sub; } } catch (err) { res.writeHead(401); return res.end('Unauthorized'); } const member = email ? await users.get({email}) : null; // Do not allow members already with a subscription to initiate a new checkout session if (member && member.stripe.subscriptions.length > 0) { res.writeHead(403); return res.end('No permission'); } try { const sessionInfo = await stripe.createCheckoutSession(member, plan, { successUrl: req.body.successUrl, cancelUrl: req.body.cancelUrl, customerEmail: req.body.customerEmail, metadata: req.body.metadata }); res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }); res.end(JSON.stringify(sessionInfo)); } catch (e) { const error = e.message || 'Unable to initiate checkout session'; res.writeHead(400); return res.end(error); } }); middleware.createCheckoutSetupSession.use(ensureStripe, body.json(), async function (req, res) { const identity = req.body.identity; let email; try { if (!identity) { email = null; } else { const claims = await decodeToken(identity); email = claims.sub; } } catch (err) { res.writeHead(401); return res.end('Unauthorized'); } const member = email ? await users.get({email}) : null; if (!member) { res.writeHead(403); return res.end('Bad Request.'); } const sessionInfo = await stripe.createCheckoutSetupSession(member, { successUrl: req.body.successUrl, cancelUrl: req.body.cancelUrl }); res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }); res.end(JSON.stringify(sessionInfo)); }); middleware.handleStripeWebhook.use(ensureStripe, body.raw({type: 'application/json'}), async function (req, res) { let event; try { event = await stripe.parseWebhook(req.body, req.headers['stripe-signature']); } catch (err) { common.logging.error(err); res.writeHead(401); return res.end(); } try { if (event.type === 'customer.subscription.deleted') { await stripe.handleCustomerSubscriptionDeletedWebhook(; } if (event.type === 'customer.subscription.updated') { await stripe.handleCustomerSubscriptionUpdatedWebhook(; } if (event.type === 'invoice.payment_succeeded') { await stripe.handleInvoicePaymentSucceededWebhook(; } if (event.type === 'invoice.payment_failed') { await stripe.handleInvoicePaymentFailedWebhook(; } if (event.type === 'checkout.session.completed') { if ( { const setupIntent = await stripe.getSetupIntent(; const customer = await stripe.getCustomer(setupIntent.metadata.customer_id); const member = await users.get({email:}); await stripe.handleCheckoutSetupSessionCompletedWebhook(setupIntent, member); } else { const customer = await stripe.getCustomer(, { expand: [''] }); let member = await users.get({email:}); if (!member) { const metadata =; const name = (metadata && || ''; member = await users.create({email:, name}); } await stripe.handleCheckoutSessionCompletedWebhook(member, customer); const payerName = _.get(customer, '[0]'); if (payerName && ! { await users.update({name: payerName}, {id:}); } const emailType = 'signup'; await sendEmailWithMagicLink({email:, requestedType: emailType, options: {forceEmailType: true}}); } } res.writeHead(200); res.end(); } catch (err) { common.logging.error(`Error handling webhook ${event.type}`, err); res.writeHead(400); res.end(); } }); middleware.updateSubscription.use(ensureStripe, body.json(), async function (req, res) { const identity = req.body.identity; const cancelAtPeriodEnd = req.body.cancel_at_period_end; const planName = req.body.planName; const subscriptionId =; let member; try { if (!identity) { throw new common.errors.BadRequestError({ message: 'Updating subscription failed! Could not find member' }); } const claims = await decodeToken(identity); const email = claims.sub; member = email ? await users.get({email}) : null; if (!member) { throw new common.errors.BadRequestError({ message: 'Updating subscription failed! Could not find member' }); } } catch (err) { res.writeHead(401); return res.end('Unauthorized'); } // Don't allow removing subscriptions that don't belong to the member const plan = planName && stripe.findPlanByNickname(planName); if (planName && !plan) { throw new common.errors.BadRequestError({ message: 'Updating subscription failed! Could not find plan' }); } const subscription = member.stripe.subscriptions.find(sub => === subscriptionId); if (!subscription) { res.writeHead(403); return res.end('No permission'); } if (cancelAtPeriodEnd === undefined && planName === undefined) { throw new common.errors.BadRequestError({ message: 'Updating subscription failed!', help: 'Request should contain "cancel" or "plan" field.' }); } const subscriptionUpdate = { id: }; if (cancelAtPeriodEnd !== undefined) { subscriptionUpdate.cancel_at_period_end = !!(cancelAtPeriodEnd); } if (plan) { subscriptionUpdate.plan =; } await stripe.updateSubscriptionFromClient(subscriptionUpdate); res.writeHead(204); res.end(); }); const getPublicConfig = function () { return Promise.resolve({ publicKey, issuer }); }; const bus = new (require('events').EventEmitter)(); if (stripe) { stripe.ready().then(() => { bus.emit('ready'); }).catch((err) => { bus.emit('error', err); }); } else { process.nextTick(() => bus.emit('ready')); } return { middleware, getMemberDataFromMagicLinkToken, getMemberIdentityToken, getMemberIdentityData, setMemberGeolocationFromIp, getPublicConfig, bus, sendEmailWithMagicLink, getMagicLink, hasActiveStripeSubscriptions, members: users }; };