// ------------------------------------------------------------ // Pagination // // Styles for the main top bar & mobile navigation // // * Pagination // * Sizing // ------------------------------------------------------------ // // Pagination // -------------------------------------------------- .pagination { display: inline-block; padding-left: 0; margin: 20px 0; border-radius: $border-radius; > li { display: inline; // Remove list-style and block-level defaults > a, > span { position: relative; float: left; // Collapse white-space padding: 6px 12px; line-height: 1.42857143; text-decoration: none; color: $blue; background-color: #fff; border: 1px solid $lightbrown; margin-left: -1px; } &:first-child { > a, > span { margin-left: 0; border-top-left-radius: $border-radius; border-bottom-left-radius: $border-radius; } } &:last-child { > a, > span { border-top-right-radius: $border-radius; border-bottom-right-radius: $border-radius; } } } > li > a, > li > span { &:hover, &:focus { color: #2A6496; background-color: #EEE; } } > .active > a, > .active > span { &, &:hover, &:focus { z-index: 2; color: #FFF; background-color: #428BCA; cursor: default; } } > .disabled { > span, > span:hover, > span:focus, > a, > a:hover, > a:focus { color: #777; background-color: #FFF; border-color: #DDD; cursor: not-allowed; } } }//.pagination // // Sizing // -------------------------------------------------- @mixin pagination-size($padding-vertical, $padding-horizontal, $font-size, $border-radius) { > li { > a, > span { padding: $padding-vertical $padding-horizontal; font-size: $font-size; } &:first-child { > a, > span { border-top-left-radius: $border-radius; border-bottom-left-radius: $border-radius; } } &:last-child { > a, > span { border-top-right-radius: $border-radius; border-bottom-right-radius: $border-radius; } } } } // Large .pagination-lg { @include pagination-size(10px, 16px, 18px, 6px); } // Small .pagination-sm { @include pagination-size(5px, 10px, 12px, 3px); }