var errors = require('../errors'), config = require('../config'), Base = require('./base'), _ = require('lodash'), storage = {}; /** * type: images|themes */ function getStorage(type) { type = type || 'images'; var storageChoice =[type], storageConfig =[storageChoice]; // CASE: type does not exist if (!storageChoice) { throw new errors.IncorrectUsage('No adapter found for type: ' + type); } // cache? if (storage[storageChoice]) { return storage[storageChoice]; } // CASE: load adapter from custom path (.../content/storage) // CASE: load adapter from default path (.../server/storage) try { storage[storageChoice] = require(config.paths.storagePath.custom + storageChoice); } catch (err1) { try { storage[storageChoice] = require(config.paths.storagePath.default + storageChoice); } catch (err2) { throw err2; } } storage[storageChoice] = new storage[storageChoice](storageConfig); if (!(storage[storageChoice] instanceof Base)) { throw new errors.IncorrectUsage('Your storage adapter does not inherit from the Storage Base.'); } if (!storage[storageChoice].requiredFns) { throw new errors.IncorrectUsage('Your storage adapter does not provide the minimum required functions.'); } if (_.xor(storage[storageChoice].requiredFns, Object.keys(_.pick(Object.getPrototypeOf(storage[storageChoice]), storage[storageChoice].requiredFns))).length) { throw new errors.IncorrectUsage('Your storage adapter does not provide the minimum required functions.'); } return storage[storageChoice]; } module.exports.getStorage = getStorage;