import Controller from '@ember/controller'; import {action} from '@ember/object'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; import {tracked} from '@glimmer/tracking'; export default class HistoryController extends Controller { @service router; @service settings; @service store; queryParams = ['excludedEvents', 'excludedResources', 'user']; @tracked excludedEvents = null; @tracked excludedResources = null; @tracked user = null; get fullExcludedEvents() { return (this.excludedEvents || '').split(','); } get fullExcludedResources() { return (this.excludedResources || '').split(','); } get userRecord() { if (!this.user) { return null; } // TODO: {reload: true} here shouldn't be needed but without it // the template renders nothing if the record is already in the store return'user', this.user, {reload: true}); } @action changeExcludedItems({excludedEvents, excludedResources} = {}) { this.router.transitionTo({queryParams: {excludedEvents, excludedResources}}); } @action changeUser(user) { this.router.transitionTo({queryParams: {user: user?.id}}); } }