const uuid = require('uuid'); const merge = require('lodash/merge'); const isString = require('lodash/isString'); const utils = require('./utils'); class GhostError extends Error { constructor(options) { options = options || {}; super(); /** * defaults */ this.statusCode = 500; this.errorType = 'InternalServerError'; this.level = 'normal'; this.message = 'The server has encountered an error.'; = uuid.v1(); /** * custom overrides */ = ||; this.statusCode = options.statusCode || this.statusCode; this.level = options.level || this.level; this.context = options.context || this.context; = ||; this.errorType = = options.errorType || this.errorType; this.errorDetails = options.errorDetails; // @ts-ignore this.code = options.code || null; = || null; this.redirect = options.redirect || null; this.message = options.message || this.message; this.hideStack = options.hideStack; // NOTE: Error to inherit from, override! // Nested objects are getting copied over in one piece (can be changed, but not needed right now) if (options.err) { // CASE: Support err as string (it happens that third party libs return a string instead of an error instance) if (isString(options.err)) { /* eslint-disable no-restricted-syntax */ options.err = new Error(options.err); /* eslint-enable no-restricted-syntax */ } Object.getOwnPropertyNames(options.err).forEach((property) => { if (['errorType', 'name', 'statusCode', 'message', 'level'].indexOf(property) !== -1) { return; } // CASE: `code` should put options as priority over err if (property === 'code') { // @ts-ignore this[property] = this[property] || options.err[property]; return; } if (property === 'stack') { this[property] += '\n\n' + options.err[property]; return; } this[property] = options.err[property] || this[property]; }); } } } const ghostErrors = { InternalServerError: class InternalServerError extends GhostError { constructor(options) { super(merge({ statusCode: 500, level: 'critical', errorType: 'InternalServerError', message: 'The server has encountered an error.' }, options)); } }, IncorrectUsageError: class IncorrectUsageError extends GhostError { constructor(options) { super(merge({ statusCode: 400, level: 'critical', errorType: 'IncorrectUsageError', message: 'We detected a misuse. Please read the stack trace.' }, options)); } }, NotFoundError: class NotFoundError extends GhostError { constructor(options) { super(merge({ statusCode: 404, errorType: 'NotFoundError', message: 'Resource could not be found.' }, options)); } }, BadRequestError: class BadRequestError extends GhostError { constructor(options) { super(merge({ statusCode: 400, errorType: 'BadRequestError', message: 'The request could not be understood.' }, options)); } }, UnauthorizedError: class UnauthorizedError extends GhostError { constructor(options) { super(merge({ statusCode: 401, errorType: 'UnauthorizedError', message: 'You are not authorised to make this request.' }, options)); } }, NoPermissionError: class NoPermissionError extends GhostError { constructor(options) { super(merge({ statusCode: 403, errorType: 'NoPermissionError', message: 'You do not have permission to perform this request.' }, options)); } }, ValidationError: class ValidationError extends GhostError { constructor(options) { super(merge({ statusCode: 422, errorType: 'ValidationError', message: 'The request failed validation.' }, options)); } }, UnsupportedMediaTypeError: class UnsupportedMediaTypeError extends GhostError { constructor(options) { super(merge({ statusCode: 415, errorType: 'UnsupportedMediaTypeError', message: 'The media in the request is not supported by the server.' }, options)); } }, TooManyRequestsError: class TooManyRequestsError extends GhostError { constructor(options) { super(merge({ statusCode: 429, errorType: 'TooManyRequestsError', message: 'Server has received too many similar requests in a short space of time.' }, options)); } }, MaintenanceError: class MaintenanceError extends GhostError { constructor(options) { super(merge({ statusCode: 503, errorType: 'MaintenanceError', message: 'The server is temporarily down for maintenance.' }, options)); } }, MethodNotAllowedError: class MethodNotAllowedError extends GhostError { constructor(options) { super(merge({ statusCode: 405, errorType: 'MethodNotAllowedError', message: 'Method not allowed for resource.' }, options)); } }, RequestEntityTooLargeError: class RequestEntityTooLargeError extends GhostError { constructor(options) { super(merge({ statusCode: 413, errorType: 'RequestEntityTooLargeError', message: 'Request was too big for the server to handle.' }, options)); } }, TokenRevocationError: class TokenRevocationError extends GhostError { constructor(options) { super(merge({ statusCode: 503, errorType: 'TokenRevocationError', message: 'Token is no longer available.' }, options)); } }, VersionMismatchError: class VersionMismatchError extends GhostError { constructor(options) { super(merge({ statusCode: 400, errorType: 'VersionMismatchError', message: 'Requested version does not match server version.' }, options)); } }, DataExportError: class DataExportError extends GhostError { constructor(options) { super(merge({ statusCode: 500, errorType: 'DataExportError' }, options)); } }, DataImportError: class DataImportError extends GhostError { constructor(options) { super(merge({ statusCode: 500, errorType: 'DataImportError' }, options)); } }, DatabaseVersionError: class DatabaseVersionError extends GhostError { constructor(options) { super(merge({ hideStack: true, statusCode: 500, errorType: 'DatabaseVersionError' }, options)); } }, EmailError: class EmailError extends GhostError { constructor(options) { super(merge({ statusCode: 500, errorType: 'EmailError' }, options)); } }, ThemeValidationError: class ThemeValidationError extends GhostError { constructor(options) { super(merge({ statusCode: 422, errorType: 'ThemeValidationError', errorDetails: {} }, options)); } }, DisabledFeatureError: class DisabledFeatureError extends GhostError { constructor(options) { super(merge({ statusCode: 409, errorType: 'DisabledFeatureError' }, options)); } }, UpdateCollisionError: class UpdateCollisionError extends GhostError { constructor(options) { super(merge({ statusCode: 409, errorType: 'UpdateCollisionError' }, options)); } }, HostLimitError: class HostLimitError extends GhostError { constructor(options) { super(merge({ errorType: 'HostLimitError', hideStack: true, statusCode: 403 }, options)); } }, HelperWarning: class HelperWarning extends GhostError { constructor(options) { super(merge({ errorType: 'HelperWarning', hideStack: true }, options)); } }, PasswordResetRequiredError: class PasswordResetRequiredError extends GhostError { constructor(options) { super(merge({ errorType: 'PasswordResetRequiredError', statusCode: 401, message: 'For security, you need to create a new password. An email has been sent to you with instructions!' }, options)); } }, UnhandledJobError: class UnhandledJobError extends GhostError { constructor(options) { super(merge({ errorType: 'UnhandledJobError', message: 'Processed job threw an unhandled error', level: 'critical' }, options)); } } }; module.exports = ghostErrors; module.exports.utils = { serialize: utils.serialize.bind(ghostErrors), deserialize: utils.deserialize.bind(ghostErrors), isGhostError: utils.isGhostError.bind(ghostErrors) };