import AuthenticatedRoute from 'ghost-admin/routes/authenticated'; import ConfirmUnsavedChangesModal from '../components/modals/confirm-unsaved-changes'; import {action} from '@ember/object'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; export default class CollectionRoute extends AuthenticatedRoute { @service modals; @service router; @service session; beforeModel() { super.beforeModel(...arguments); if (this.session.user.isAuthorOrContributor) { return this.transitionTo('home'); } } model(params) { this._requiresBackgroundRefresh = false; if (params.collection_slug) { return'collection', {slug: params.collection_slug}); } else { return'collection'); } } serialize(collection) { return {collection_slug: collection.get('collection')}; } @action async willTransition(transition) { if (this.hasConfirmed) { return true; } transition.abort(); // wait for any existing confirm modal to be closed before allowing transition if (this.confirmModal) { return; } if (this.controller.saveTask?.isRunning) { await this.controller.saveTask.last; } const shouldLeave = await this.confirmUnsavedChanges(); if (shouldLeave) { this.controller.model.rollbackAttributes(); this.hasConfirmed = true; return transition.retry(); } } async confirmUnsavedChanges() { if (this.controller.model?.hasDirtyAttributes) { this.confirmModal = this.modals .open(ConfirmUnsavedChangesModal) .finally(() => { this.confirmModal = null; }); return this.confirmModal; } return true; } }