const assert = require('assert/strict'); const sinon = require('sinon'); const VersionNotificationsDataService = require('..'); describe('Version Notification Data Service', function () { afterEach(function () { sinon.restore(); }); describe('fetchNotification', function () { it('parses and filters out version notifications', async function () { const settingsService = { read: sinon.stub().resolves({ version_notifications: { value: JSON.stringify([ 'v3.4', 'v4.1', 'v5.0', 'v0.99' ]) } }) }; const versionNotificationsDataService = new VersionNotificationsDataService({ UserModel: {}, ApiKeyModel: {}, settingsService }); assert.equal(await versionNotificationsDataService.fetchNotification('v4.1'), 'v4.1'); assert.equal(await versionNotificationsDataService.fetchNotification('v9999.1'), undefined); assert.equal(await versionNotificationsDataService.fetchNotification('v5'), undefined); assert.equal(await versionNotificationsDataService.fetchNotification(), undefined); }); }); describe('saveNotification', function () { it('parses and filters out version notifications', async function () { const settingsService = { read: sinon.stub().resolves({ version_notifications: { value: JSON.stringify([ 'v3.4', 'v4.1', 'v5.0', 'v0.99' ]) } }), edit: sinon.stub().resolves() }; const versionNotificationsDataService = new VersionNotificationsDataService({ UserModel: {}, ApiKeyModel: {}, settingsService }); await versionNotificationsDataService.saveNotification('v5.0'); assert.equal(settingsService.edit.called, false); await versionNotificationsDataService.saveNotification('v4.0'); assert.equal(settingsService.edit.called, true); assert.deepEqual(settingsService.edit.firstCall.args, [[{ key: 'version_notifications', value: JSON.stringify([ 'v3.4', 'v4.1', 'v5.0', 'v0.99', 'v4.0' ]) }], { context: { internal: true } }]); }); }); describe('getNotificationEmails', function () { it('parses and filters out version notifications', async function () { const UserModel = { findAll: sinon .stub() .withArgs({ withRelated: ['roles'], filter: 'status:active' }, { internal: true }) .resolves({ toJSON: () => [{ email: '', roles: [{ name: 'Administrator' }] }, { email: '', roles: [{ name: 'Owner' }] }, { email: '', roles: [{ name: 'Publisher' }] }] }) }; const versionNotificationsDataService = new VersionNotificationsDataService({ UserModel, ApiKeyModel: {}, settingsService: {} }); const emails = await versionNotificationsDataService.getNotificationEmails(); assert.equal(UserModel.findAll.called, true); assert.deepEqual(emails, ['', '']); }); }); describe('getIntegration', function () { it('Queries for Content API key when such is provided', async function () { const ApiKeyModel = { findOne: sinon .stub() .withArgs({ secret: 'super_secret' }, { withRelated: ['integration'] }) .resolves({ relations: { integration: { toJSON: () => ({ name: 'live fast die young', type: 'custom' }) } } }) }; const versionNotificationsDataService = new VersionNotificationsDataService({ UserModel: {}, ApiKeyModel, settingsService: {} }); const {name: integrationName, type: integrationType} = await versionNotificationsDataService.getIntegration('super_secret', 'content'); assert.equal(integrationName, 'live fast die young'); assert.equal(integrationType, 'custom'); }); it('Queries for Admin API key when such is provided', async function () { const ApiKeyModel = { findOne: sinon .stub() .withArgs({ id: 'key_id' }, { withRelated: ['integration'] }) .resolves({ relations: { integration: { toJSON: () => ({ name: 'Tri Hita Karana', type: 'core' }) } } }) }; const versionNotificationsDataService = new VersionNotificationsDataService({ UserModel: {}, ApiKeyModel, settingsService: {} }); const {name: integrationName, type: integrationType} = await versionNotificationsDataService.getIntegration('key_id', 'admin'); assert.equal(integrationName, 'Tri Hita Karana'); assert.equal(integrationType, 'core'); }); }); });