import ModalComponent from 'ghost-admin/components/modal-base'; import ghostPaths from 'ghost-admin/utils/ghost-paths'; import {GENERIC_ERROR_MESSAGE} from 'ghost-admin/services/notifications'; import {computed} from '@ember/object'; import {getErrorCode} from '../services/ajax'; import {inject} from 'ghost-admin/decorators/inject'; import { isRequestEntityTooLargeError, isUnsupportedMediaTypeError, isVersionMismatchError } from 'ghost-admin/services/ajax'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; export default ModalComponent.extend({ ajax: service(), notifications: service(), store: service(), state: 'INIT', file: null, paramName: 'importfile', importResponse: null, errorMessage: null, errorHeader: null, showTryAgainButton: true, // Allowed actions confirm: () => {}, config: inject(), uploadUrl: computed(function () { return `${ghostPaths().apiRoot}/db`; }), formData: computed('file', function () { let formData = new FormData(); formData.append(this.paramName, this.file); return formData; }), actions: { setFile(file) { this.set('file', file); this.generateRequest(); }, reset() { this.set('errorMessage', null); this.set('errorHeader', null); this.set('file', null); this.set('state', 'INIT'); this.set('showTryAgainButton', true); }, closeModal() { if (this.state !== 'UPLOADING') { this._super(...arguments); } }, // noop - we don't want the enter key doing anything confirm() {} }, generateRequest() { let ajax = this.ajax; let formData = this.formData; let url = this.uploadUrl; this.set('state', 'UPLOADING');, { data: formData, processData: false, contentType: false, dataType: 'text' }).then(() => { this.set('state', 'PROCESSING'); }).catch((error) => { this._uploadError(error); this.set('state', 'ERROR'); }); }, _uploadError(error) { let message; let header = 'Import error'; if (isVersionMismatchError(error)) { this.notifications.showAPIError(error); } if (getErrorCode(error) === 'INVALID_ZIP_FILE_NAME_ENCODING') { message = 'The uploaded zip could not be read due to a long or invalid file name. Please remove any special characters from the file name, or alternatively try another archiving tool if using MacOS Archive Utility.'; } else if (isUnsupportedMediaTypeError(error)) { message = 'The file type you uploaded is not supported.'; } else if (isRequestEntityTooLargeError(error)) { message = 'The file you uploaded was larger than the maximum file size your server allows.'; } else { console.error(error); // eslint-disable-line message = GENERIC_ERROR_MESSAGE; } this.set('errorMessage', message); this.set('errorHeader', header); } });