import Component from 'ember-component'; import {A as emberA} from 'ember-array/utils'; import run from 'ember-runloop'; import layout from '../templates/components/gh-koenig'; import Mobiledoc from 'mobiledoc-kit'; import {MOBILEDOC_VERSION} from 'mobiledoc-kit/renderers/mobiledoc'; import createCardFactory from '../libs/card-factory'; import defaultCommands from '../options/default-commands'; import editorCards from '../cards/index'; // import { VALID_MARKUP_SECTION_TAGNAMES } from 'mobiledoc-kit/models/markup-section'; //the block elements supported by mobile-doc export const BLANK_DOC = { version: MOBILEDOC_VERSION, atoms: [], markups: [], cards: [], sections: [] }; export default Component.extend({ layout, classNames: ['editor-holder'], emberCards: emberA([]), init() { this._super(...arguments); this.container = document.querySelector('.gh-editor-container')[0]; let mobiledoc = this.get('value') || BLANK_DOC; let userCards = this.get('cards') || []; if (typeof mobiledoc === 'string') { mobiledoc = JSON.parse(mobiledoc); } // if the doc is cached then the editor is loaded and we don't need to continue. if (this._cachedDoc && this._cachedDoc === mobiledoc) { return; } let createCard = createCardFactory.apply(this, {}); // need to pass the toolbar let options = { mobiledoc, // temp cards: createCard(editorCards.concat(userCards)), atoms: [{ name: 'soft-return', type: 'dom', render() { return document.createElement('br'); } }], spellcheck: true, autofocus: this.get('shouldFocusEditor'), placeholder: 'Click here to start ...' }; this.editor = new Mobiledoc.Editor(options); }, willRender() { if (this._rendered) { return; } let {editor} = this; editor.willRender(() => { // console.log(; // if (! { // this._startedRunLoop = true; //; // } }); editor.didRender(() => { this.sendAction('loaded', editor); //; }); editor.postDidChange(()=> { run.join(() => { // store a cache of the local doc so that we don't need to reinitialise it. this._cachedDoc = editor.serialize(MOBILEDOC_VERSION); this.sendAction('onChange', this._cachedDoc); if (this._cachedDoc !== BLANK_DOC && !this._firstChange) { this._firstChange = true; this.sendAction('onFirstChange', this._cachedDoc); } }); }); }, didRender() { if (this._rendered) { return; } let [editorDom] = this.$('.surface'); this.domContainer = editorDom.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; // nasty nasty nasty. this.editor.render(editorDom); this._rendered = true; window.editor = this.editor; defaultCommands(this.editor); // initialise the custom text handlers for MD, etc. // shouldFocusEditor is only true when transitioning from new to edit, otherwise it's false or undefined. // therefore, if it's true it's after the first lot of content is entered and we expect the caret to be at the // end of the document. if (this.get('shouldFocusEditor')) { let range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(this.editor.element); range.collapse(false); let sel = window.getSelection(); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); this.editor._ensureFocus(); } this.editor.cursorDidChange(() => this.cursorMoved()); }, // drag and drop images onto the editor drop(event) { if (event.dataTransfer.files.length) { event.preventDefault(); for (let i = 0; i < event.dataTransfer.files.length; i++) { let file = [event.dataTransfer.files[i]]; this.editor.insertCard('image-card', {pos: 'top', file}); } } }, // makes sure the cursor is on screen. cursorMoved() { let scrollBuffer = 33; // the extra buffer to scroll. let range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0); // get the actual range within the DOM. let position = range.getBoundingClientRect(); let windowHeight = window.innerHeight; if (position.bottom > windowHeight) { this.domContainer.scrollTop += position.bottom - windowHeight + scrollBuffer; } else if ( < 0) { this.domContainer.scrollTop += - scrollBuffer; } }, willDestroy() { this.editor.destroy(); } });