const debug = require('ghost-ignition').debug('services:routing:taxonomy-router'); const config = require('../../../shared/config'); const events = require('../../../server/lib/common/events'); const ParentRouter = require('./ParentRouter'); const RSSRouter = require('./RSSRouter'); const urlUtils = require('../../../shared/url-utils'); const controllers = require('./controllers'); const middlewares = require('./middlewares'); /** * @description Taxonomies are groupings of posts based on a common relation. * Taxonomies do not change the url of a resource. */ class TaxonomyRouter extends ParentRouter { constructor(key, permalinks, RESOURCE_CONFIG) { super('Taxonomy'); this.taxonomyKey = key; this.RESOURCE_CONFIG = RESOURCE_CONFIG; this.permalinks = { value: permalinks }; this.permalinks.getValue = () => { return this.permalinks.value; }; debug(this.permalinks); this._registerRoutes(); } /** * @description Register all routes of this router. * @private */ _registerRoutes() { // REGISTER: context middleware this.router().use(this._prepareContext.bind(this)); // REGISTER: redirects across routers this.router().param('slug', this._respectDominantRouter.bind(this)); // REGISTER: enable rss by default this.rssRouter = new RSSRouter(); this.mountRouter(this.permalinks.getValue(), this.rssRouter.router()); // REGISTER: e.g. /tag/:slug/ this.mountRoute(this.permalinks.getValue(),; // REGISTER: enable pagination for each taxonomy by default this.router().param('page', middlewares.pageParam); this.mountRoute(urlUtils.urlJoin(this.permalinks.value, 'page', ':page(\\d+)'),; // REGISTER: edit redirect to admin client e.g. /tag/:slug/edit if (config.get('admin:redirects')) { this.mountRoute(urlUtils.urlJoin(this.permalinks.value, 'edit'), this._redirectEditOption.bind(this)); } events.emit('router.created', this); } /** * @description Prepare context for routing middlewares/controllers. * @param {Object} req * @param {Object} res * @param {Function} next * @private */ _prepareContext(req, res, next) { res.routerOptions = { type: 'channel', name: this.taxonomyKey, permalinks: this.permalinks.getValue(), data: {[this.taxonomyKey]: this.RESOURCE_CONFIG.QUERY[this.taxonomyKey]}, filter: this.RESOURCE_CONFIG.TAXONOMIES[this.taxonomyKey].filter, resourceType: this.getResourceType(), context: [this.taxonomyKey], slugTemplate: true, identifier: this.identifier }; next(); } /** * @description Simple controller function to redirect /edit to admin client * @param {Object} req * @param {Object} res * @private */ _redirectEditOption(req, res) { urlUtils.redirectToAdmin(302, res, this.RESOURCE_CONFIG.TAXONOMIES[this.taxonomyKey].editRedirect.replace(':slug', req.params.slug)); } /** * @description Get resource type e.g. tags or authors * @returns {*} */ getResourceType() { return this.RESOURCE_CONFIG.TAXONOMIES[this.taxonomyKey].resource; } /** * @description There is no default/index route for taxonomies e.g. /tag/ does not exist, only /tag/:slug/ * @returns {null} */ getRoute() { return null; } } module.exports = TaxonomyRouter;