import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import validator from 'validator'; import {action} from '@ember/object'; import {get, set} from '@ember/object'; export default class GhFacebookUrlInput extends Component { // NOTE: `get` and `set` are required when reading/writing model properties // because we can be dealing with proxy objects such as the settings service get value() { const {model, modelProperty, scratchValue} = this.args; return scratchValue || get(model, modelProperty); } @action setScratchValue(event) { this.args.setScratchValue?.(; } @action setFacebookUrl(event) { const {model, modelProperty} = this.args; let newUrl =; // reset errors and validation model.errors.remove('facebook'); model.hasValidated.removeObject('facebook'); if (!newUrl) { // Clear out the Facebook url set(model, modelProperty, null); this.args.setScratchValue?.(null); return; } try { // strip any facebook URLs out newUrl = newUrl.replace(/(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?facebook\.com/i, ''); // don't allow any non-facebook urls if (newUrl.match(/^(http|\/\/)/i)) { throw 'invalid url'; } // strip leading / if we have one then concat to full facebook URL newUrl = newUrl.replace(/^\//, ''); newUrl = `${newUrl}`; // don't allow URL if it's not valid if (!validator.isURL(newUrl)) { throw 'invalid url'; } set(model, modelProperty, newUrl); this.args.setScratchValue?.(null); } catch (e) { if (e === 'invalid url') { const message = 'The URL must be in a format like'; model.errors.add('facebook', message); return; } throw e; } finally { model.hasValidated.pushObject('facebook'); } } }