const sinon = require('sinon'); const _ = require('lodash'); const nock = require('nock'); const rewire = require('rewire'); const testUtils = require('../../../utils'); const configUtils = require('../../../utils/configUtils'); const xmlrpc = rewire('../../../../core/server/services/xmlrpc'); const events = require('../../../../core/server/lib/common/events'); const logging = require('@tryghost/logging'); describe('XMLRPC', function () { let eventStub; beforeEach(function () { eventStub = sinon.stub(events, 'on'); configUtils.set('privacy:useRpcPing', true); }); afterEach(function () { sinon.restore(); configUtils.restore(); nock.cleanAll(); }); it('listen() should initialise event correctly', function () { xmlrpc.listen();; eventStub.calledWith('post.published', xmlrpc.__get__('listener')); }); it('listener() calls ping() with toJSONified model', function () { const testPost = _.clone(testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.posts[2]); const testModel = { toJSON: function () { return testPost; } }; const pingStub = sinon.stub(); const resetXmlRpc = xmlrpc.__set__('ping', pingStub); const listener = xmlrpc.__get__('listener'); listener(testModel);; pingStub.calledWith(testPost); // Reset xmlrpc ping method resetXmlRpc(); }); it('listener() does not call ping() when importing', function () { const testPost = _.clone(testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.posts[2]); const testModel = { toJSON: function () { return testPost; } }; const pingStub = sinon.stub(); const resetXmlRpc = xmlrpc.__set__('ping', pingStub); const listener = xmlrpc.__get__('listener'); listener(testModel, {importing: true});; // Reset xmlrpc ping method resetXmlRpc(); }); describe('ping()', function () { const ping = xmlrpc.__get__('ping'); it('with a post should execute two pings', function (done) { const ping1 = nock('').post('/').reply(200); const testPost = _.clone(testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.posts[2]); ping(testPost); (function retry() { if (ping1.isDone()) { return done(); } setTimeout(retry, 100); }()); }); it('with default post should not execute pings', function () { const ping1 = nock('').post('/').reply(200); const testPost = _.clone(testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.posts[2]); testPost.slug = 'welcome'; ping(testPost); ping1.isDone(); }); it('with a page should not execute pings', function () { const ping1 = nock('').post('/').reply(200); const testPage = _.clone(testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.posts[5]); ping(testPage); ping1.isDone(); }); it('when privacy.useRpcPing is false should not execute pings', function () { const ping1 = nock('').post('/').reply(200); const testPost = _.clone(testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.posts[2]); configUtils.set({privacy: {useRpcPing: false}}); ping(testPost); ping1.isDone(); }); it('captures && logs errors from requests', function (done) { const testPost = _.clone(testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.posts[2]); const ping1 = nock('').post('/').reply(400); const loggingStub = sinon.stub(logging, 'error'); ping(testPost); (function retry() { if (ping1.isDone()) { loggingStub.calledOnce.should.eql(true); loggingStub.args[0][0].message.should.containEql('Response code 400'); return done(); } setTimeout(retry, 100); }()); }); it('captures && logs XML errors from requests with newlines between tags', function (done) { const testPost = _.clone(testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.posts[2]); const ping1 = nock('').post('/').reply(200, ` flerror 1 message Uh oh. A wee lil error. `); const loggingStub = sinon.stub(logging, 'error'); ping(testPost); (function retry() { if (ping1.isDone()) { loggingStub.calledOnce.should.eql(true); loggingStub.args[0][0].message.should.equal('Uh oh. A wee lil error.'); return done(); } setTimeout(retry, 100); }()); }); it('captures && logs XML errors from requests without newlines between tags', function (done) { const testPost = _.clone(testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.posts[2]); const ping1 = nock('').post('/').reply(200, (` flerror 1 message Uh oh. A wee lil error. `).replace('\n', '')); const loggingStub = sinon.stub(logging, 'error'); ping(testPost); (function retry() { if (ping1.isDone()) { loggingStub.calledOnce.should.eql(true); loggingStub.args[0][0].message.should.equal('Uh oh. A wee lil error.'); return done(); } setTimeout(retry, 100); }()); }); it('does not error with responses that have 0 as flerror value', function (done) { const testPost = _.clone(testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.posts[2]); const ping1 = nock('').post('/').reply(200, ` flerror0 messagePings being forwarded to 9 services! `); const loggingStub = sinon.stub(logging, 'error'); ping(testPost); (function retry() { if (ping1.isDone()) { loggingStub.calledOnce.should.eql(false); return done(); } setTimeout(retry, 100); }()); }); it('should behave correctly when getting a 429', function (done) { const ping1 = nock('').post('/').reply(429); const testPost = _.clone(testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.posts[2]); ping(testPost); (function retry() { if (ping1.isDone()) { return done(); } setTimeout(retry, 100); }()); }); }); });