import AuthenticatedRoute from 'ghost-admin/routes/authenticated'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; // TODO: rename billing route and service to /pro export default AuthenticatedRoute.extend({ billing: service(), session: service(), queryParams: { action: {refreshModel: true} }, beforeModel(transition) { this._super(...arguments); if (!this.session.user.isOwnerOnly) { return this.transitionTo('home'); } this.billing.set('previousTransition', transition); }, model(params) { if (params.action) { this.billing.set('action', params.action); } this.billing.toggleProWindow(true); }, actions: { willTransition(transition) { let isBillingTransition = false; if (transition) { let destinationUrl = (typeof === 'string') ? : (transition.intent ? transition.intent.url : ''); if (destinationUrl?.includes('/pro')) { isBillingTransition = true; } } this.billing.toggleProWindow(isBillingTransition); } }, buildRouteInfoMetadata() { return { titleToken: 'Ghost(Pro)' }; } });