import Controller from '@ember/controller'; import {action} from '@ember/object'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; export default class ExploreController extends Controller { @service ghostPaths; get apiUrl() { const origin = new URL(window.location.origin); const subdir = this.ghostPaths.subdir; // We want the API URL without protocol let url = this.ghostPaths.url.join(, subdir); return url.replace(/\/$/, ''); } get exploreCredentials() { const explore = this.model.findBy('slug', 'ghost-explore'); const adminKey = explore.adminKey; return adminKey.secret; } @action submitExploreSite() { const token = this.exploreCredentials; const apiUrl = this.apiUrl; // Ghost Explore URL to submit a new site const destination = new URL(''); const query = new URLSearchParams(); query.append('token', token); query.append('url', apiUrl); = query; window.location = destination.toString(); } }