const {NotFoundError, GhostError} = require('@tryghost/errors'); const tpl = require('@tryghost/tpl'); const messages = { notFound: '{resource} not found.' }; class IntegrationsService { constructor({IntegrationModel, ApiKeyModel}) { this.IntegrationModel = IntegrationModel; this.ApiKeyModel = ApiKeyModel; } async edit(data, options) { if (options.keyid) { const model = await this.ApiKeyModel.findOne({id: options.keyid}); if (!model) { throw new NotFoundError({ message: tpl(messages.notFound, { resource: 'ApiKey' }) }); } try { await this.ApiKeyModel.refreshSecret(model.toJSON(), Object.assign({}, options, {id: options.keyid})); return await this.IntegrationModel.findOne({id:}, { withRelated: ['api_keys', 'webhooks'] }); } catch (err) { throw new GhostError({ err: err }); } } try { return await this.IntegrationModel.edit(data, Object.assign(options, {require: true})); } catch (error) { if (error.message === 'NotFound' || error.message === 'EmptyResponse') { throw new NotFoundError({ message: tpl(messages.notFound, { resource: 'Integration' }) }); } throw error; } } } /** * @returns {IntegrationsService} instance of the PostsService */ const getIntegrationsServiceInstance = ({IntegrationModel, ApiKeyModel}) => { return new IntegrationsService({IntegrationModel, ApiKeyModel}); }; module.exports = getIntegrationsServiceInstance;