import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import {action} from '@ember/object'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; export default class GhExploreIframe extends Component { @service explore; @service router; @service feature; willDestroy() { super.willDestroy(...arguments); window.removeEventListener('message', this.handleIframeMessage); } @action setup() { this.explore.getExploreIframe().src = this.explore.getIframeURL(); window.addEventListener('message', this.handleIframeMessage); } @action async handleIframeMessage(event) { if (this.isDestroyed || this.isDestroying) { return; } // only process messages coming from the explore iframe if (event?.data && this.explore.getIframeURL().includes(event?.origin)) { if ( === 'apiUrl') { this._handleUrlRequest(); } if ( { this._handleRouteUpdate(; } if ( { this._handleSiteDataUpdate(; } } } @action async handleDarkModeChange() { if (this.explore.exploreWindowOpen) { this.explore.sendUIUpdate({darkMode: this.feature.nightShift}); } } // The iframe can send route updates to navigate to within Admin, as some routes // have to be rendered within the iframe and others require to break out of it. _handleRouteUpdate(data) { const route = data.route; this.explore.isIframeTransition = route?.includes('/explore'); this.explore.toggleExploreWindow(this.explore.isIframeTransition); this.router.transitionTo(route); } _handleUrlRequest() { this.explore.getExploreIframe().contentWindow.postMessage({ request: 'apiUrl', response: {apiUrl: this.explore.apiUrl, darkMode: this.feature.nightShift} }, '*'); } _handleSiteDataUpdate(data) { this.explore.siteData = data?.siteData ?? {}; } }