// ### prevNext helper exposes methods for prev_post and next_post - separately defined in helpers index. // Example usages // `{{#prev_post}}next post{{/next_post}}' const {logging, i18n, api, hbs, checks} = require('../services/proxy'); const get = require('lodash/get'); const Promise = require('bluebird'); const moment = require('moment'); const createFrame = hbs.handlebars.createFrame; const buildApiOptions = function buildApiOptions(options, post) { const publishedAt = moment(post.published_at).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'); const slug = post.slug; const op = options.name === 'prev_post' ? '<=' : '>'; const order = options.name === 'prev_post' ? 'desc' : 'asc'; const apiOptions = { /** * @deprecated: `author`, will be removed in Ghost 3.0 */ include: 'author,authors,tags', order: 'published_at ' + order, limit: 1, // This line deliberately uses double quotes because GQL cannot handle either double quotes // or escaped singles, see TryGhost/GQL#34 filter: "slug:-" + slug + "+published_at:" + op + "'" + publishedAt + "'" // eslint-disable-line quotes }; if (get(options, 'hash.in')) { if (options.hash.in === 'primary_tag' && get(post, 'primary_tag.slug')) { apiOptions.filter += '+primary_tag:' + post.primary_tag.slug; } else if (options.hash.in === 'primary_author' && get(post, 'primary_author.slug')) { apiOptions.filter += '+primary_author:' + post.primary_author.slug; } else if (options.hash.in === 'author' && get(post, 'author.slug')) { apiOptions.filter += '+author:' + post.author.slug; } } return apiOptions; }; const fetch = function fetch(options, data) { const self = this; const apiOptions = buildApiOptions(options, this); const apiVersion = data.root._locals.apiVersion; // @TODO: https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/issues/10548 const controller = api[apiVersion].postsPublic || api[apiVersion].posts; return controller .browse(apiOptions) .then(function handleSuccess(result) { const related = result.posts[0]; if (related) { return options.fn(related, {data: data}); } else { return options.inverse(self, {data: data}); } }) .catch(function handleError(err) { logging.error(err); data.error = err.message; return options.inverse(self, {data: data}); }); }; // If prevNext method is called without valid post data then we must return a promise, if there is valid post data // then the promise is handled in the api call. module.exports = function prevNext(options) { options = options || {}; const data = createFrame(options.data); const context = options.data.root.context; // Guard against incorrect usage of the helpers if (!options.fn || !options.inverse) { data.error = i18n.t('warnings.helpers.mustBeCalledAsBlock', {helperName: options.name}); logging.warn(data.error); return Promise.resolve(); } if (context.includes('preview')) { return Promise.resolve(options.inverse(this, {data: data})); } // Guard against trying to execute prev/next on pages, or other resources if (!checks.isPost(this) || this.page) { return Promise.resolve(options.inverse(this, {data: data})); } // With the guards out of the way, attempt to build the apiOptions, and then fetch the data return fetch.call(this, options, data); };