import Component from '@ember/component'; import {computed} from '@ember/object'; import {reads} from '@ember/object/computed'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; import {set} from '@ember/object'; import {task} from 'ember-concurrency'; const US = {flag: 'πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ', name: 'US', baseUrl: ''}; const EU = {flag: 'πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί', name: 'EU', baseUrl: ''}; const CURRENCIES = [ { label: 'USD - US Dollar', value: 'usd' }, { label: 'AUD - Australian Dollar', value: 'aud' }, { label: 'CAD - Canadian Dollar', value: 'cad' }, { label: 'EUR - Euro', value: 'eur' }, { label: 'GBP - British Pound', value: 'gbp' }, { label: 'INR - Indian Rupee', value: 'inr' } ]; export default Component.extend({ feature: service(), config: service(), mediaQueries: service(), ghostPaths: service(), ajax: service(), settings: service(), currencies: null, showFromAddressConfirmation: false, showMembersModalSettings: false, // passed in actions setMembersSubscriptionSettings() {}, setStripeConnectIntegrationTokenSetting() {}, defaultContentVisibility: reads('settings.defaultContentVisibility'), stripeDirect: reads('config.stripeDirect'), stripeConnectIntegration: computed('settings.stripeConnectIntegration', function () { try { const integration = JSON.parse(this.get('settings.stripeConnectIntegration')); if (!integration || !integration.account_id) { return null; } return { id: integration.account_id, name: integration.display_name, livemode: integration.livemode }; } catch (err) { return null; } }), selectedCurrency: computed('subscriptionSettings.stripeConfig.plans.monthly.currency', function () { return CURRENCIES.findBy('value', this.get('subscriptionSettings.stripeConfig.plans.monthly.currency')); }), disableUpdateFromAddressButton: computed('fromAddress', function () { const savedFromAddress = this.get('subscriptionSettings.fromAddress'); if (savedFromAddress.indexOf('@') < 0 && this.blogDomain) { return (this.fromAddress === `${savedFromAddress}@${this.blogDomain}`); } return (this.fromAddress === savedFromAddress); }), blogDomain: computed('config.blogDomain', function () { let blogDomain = this.config.blogDomain || ''; const domainExp = blogDomain.replace('https://', '').replace('http://', '').match(new RegExp('^([^/:?#]+)(?:[/:?#]|$)', 'i')); return (domainExp && domainExp[1]) || ''; }), mailgunRegion: computed('settings.bulkEmailSettings.baseUrl', function () { if (!this.settings.get('bulkEmailSettings.baseUrl')) { return US; } return [US, EU].find((region) => { return region.baseUrl === this.settings.get('bulkEmailSettings.baseUrl'); }); }), subscriptionSettings: computed('settings.membersSubscriptionSettings', function () { let subscriptionSettings = this.settings.parseSubscriptionSettings(this.get('settings.membersSubscriptionSettings')); let stripeProcessor = subscriptionSettings.paymentProcessors.find((proc) => { return (proc.adapter === 'stripe'); }); let monthlyPlan = stripeProcessor.config.plans.find(plan => plan.interval === 'month'); let yearlyPlan = stripeProcessor.config.plans.find(plan => plan.interval === 'year' && !== 'Complimentary'); // NOTE: need to be careful about division by zero if we introduce zero decimal currencies // ref.: monthlyPlan.amount = parseInt(monthlyPlan.amount) ? (monthlyPlan.amount / 100) : 0; yearlyPlan.amount = parseInt(yearlyPlan.amount) ? (yearlyPlan.amount / 100) : 0; stripeProcessor.config.plans = { monthly: monthlyPlan, yearly: yearlyPlan }; subscriptionSettings.stripeConfig = stripeProcessor.config; subscriptionSettings.allowSelfSignup = !!subscriptionSettings.allowSelfSignup; subscriptionSettings.fromAddress = subscriptionSettings.fromAddress || ''; return subscriptionSettings; }), bulkEmailSettings: computed('settings.bulkEmailSettings', function () { let bulkEmailSettings = this.get('settings.bulkEmailSettings') || {}; const {apiKey = '', baseUrl = US.baseUrl, domain = ''} = bulkEmailSettings; return {apiKey, baseUrl, domain}; }), hasBulkEmailConfig: computed('settings.bulkEmailSettings', function () { let bulkEmailSettings = this.get('settings.bulkEmailSettings'); return !!bulkEmailSettings.isConfig; }), init() { this._super(...arguments); this.set('mailgunRegions', [US, EU]); this.set('currencies', CURRENCIES); }, actions: { toggleFromAddressConfirmation() { this.toggleProperty('showFromAddressConfirmation'); }, closeMembersModalSettings() { this.set('showMembersModalSettings', false); }, setDefaultContentVisibility(value) { this.setDefaultContentVisibility(value); }, setBulkEmailSettings(key, event) { let bulkEmailSettings = this.get('settings.bulkEmailSettings') || {}; bulkEmailSettings[key] =; if (!bulkEmailSettings.baseUrl) { set(bulkEmailSettings, 'baseUrl', US.baseUrl); } this.setBulkEmailSettings(bulkEmailSettings); }, setBulkEmailRegion(region) { let bulkEmailSettings = this.get('settings.bulkEmailSettings') || {}; set(bulkEmailSettings, 'baseUrl', region.baseUrl); this.setBulkEmailSettings(bulkEmailSettings); }, setFromAddress(fromAddress) { this.setFromAddress(fromAddress); }, setSubscriptionSettings(key, event) { let subscriptionSettings = this.settings.parseSubscriptionSettings(this.get('settings.membersSubscriptionSettings')); let stripeProcessor = subscriptionSettings.paymentProcessors.find((proc) => { return (proc.adapter === 'stripe'); }); let stripeConfig = stripeProcessor.config; stripeConfig.product = { name: this.settings.get('title') }; if (key === 'secret_token' || key === 'public_token') { stripeConfig[key] =; } if (key === 'month' || key === 'year') { stripeConfig.plans = => { if (key === plan.interval && !== 'Complimentary') { plan.amount = parseInt( ? ( * 100) : 0; } return plan; }); } if (key === 'allowSelfSignup') { subscriptionSettings.allowSelfSignup = !subscriptionSettings.allowSelfSignup; } if (key === 'currency') { stripeProcessor.config.plans.forEach((plan) => { if ( !== 'Complimentary') { plan.currency = event.value; } }); // NOTE: need to keep Complimentary plans with all available currencies so they don't conflict // when applied to members with existing subscriptions in different currencies (ref. let currentCurrencyComplimentary = stripeProcessor.config.plans.filter(plan => (plan.currency === event.value && === 'Complimentary')); if (!currentCurrencyComplimentary.length) { let complimentary = { name: 'Complimentary', currency: event.value, interval: 'year', amount: '0' }; stripeProcessor.config.plans.push(complimentary); } stripeProcessor.config.currency = event.value; } this.setMembersSubscriptionSettings(subscriptionSettings); }, setStripeConnectIntegrationToken(key, event) { this.setStripeConnectIntegrationTokenSetting(; } }, saveStripeSettings: task(function* () { this.set('stripeConnectError', null); this.set('stripeConnectSuccess', null); if (this.get('settings.stripeConnectIntegrationToken')) { try { const response = yield; this.set('membersStripeOpen', false); this.set('stripeConnectSuccess', true); return response; } catch (error) { if (error.payload && error.payload.errors) { this.set('stripeConnectError', 'Invalid secure key'); return false; } throw error; } } else { this.set('stripeConnectError', 'Please enter a secure key'); } }).drop(), updateFromAddress: task(function* () { let url = this.get('ghostPaths.url').api('/settings/members/email'); try { const response = yield, { data: { from_address: this.fromAddress } }); this.toggleProperty('showFromAddressConfirmation'); return response; } catch (e) { // Failed to send email, retry return false; } }).drop(), get liveStripeConnectAuthUrl() { return this.ghostPaths.url.api('members/stripe_connect') + '?mode=live'; }, get testStripeConnectAuthUrl() { return this.ghostPaths.url.api('members/stripe_connect') + '?mode=test'; } });