import Controller from '@ember/controller'; import EmberObject, {action} from '@ember/object'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; import {task} from 'ember-concurrency'; import {tracked} from '@glimmer/tracking'; export default class TierController extends Controller { @service config; @service membersUtils; @service settings; @tracked showLeaveSettingsModal = false; @tracked showPriceModal = false; @tracked priceModel = null; @tracked showUnsavedChangesModal = false; @tracked paidSignupRedirect; constructor() { super(...arguments); this.siteUrl = this.config.get('blogUrl'); } get tier() { return this.model; } get stripePrices() { const stripePrices = this.model.stripePrices || []; return => { return { ...d, amount: d.amount / 100 }; }).sort((a, b) => { return a.amount - b.amount; }).sort((a, b) => { return a.currency.localeCompare(b.currency, undefined, {ignorePunctuation: true}); }).sort((a, b) => { return ( === ? 0 : ( ? -1 : 1); }); } get noOfPrices() { return (this.tier.stripePrices || []).length; } @action toggleUnsavedChangesModal(transition) { let leaveTransition = this.leaveScreenTransition; if (!transition && this.showUnsavedChangesModal) { this.leaveScreenTransition = null; this.showUnsavedChangesModal = false; return; } if (!leaveTransition || transition.targetName === leaveTransition.targetName) { this.leaveScreenTransition = transition; // if a save is running, wait for it to finish then transition if (this.saveTask.isRunning) { return this.saveTask.last.then(() => { transition.retry(); }); } // we genuinely have unsaved data, show the modal this.showUnsavedChangesModal = true; } } @action leaveScreen() { this.tier.rollbackAttributes(); return this.leaveScreenTransition.retry(); } @action async openEditPrice(price) { this.priceModel = price; this.showPriceModal = true; } @action async openNewPrice() { this.priceModel = null; this.showPriceModal = true; } @action async archivePrice(price) { = false; price.amount = price.amount * 100; this.send('savePrice', price); } @action async activatePrice(price) { = true; price.amount = price.amount * 100; this.send('savePrice', price); } @action openStripeConnect() { alert('Update to use stripe-connect modal (see memberships screen)'); } @action async confirmLeave() { this.settings.rollbackAttributes(); this.showLeaveSettingsModal = false; this.leaveSettingsTransition.retry(); } @action cancelLeave() { this.showLeaveSettingsModal = false; this.leaveSettingsTransition = null; } @action save() { return this.saveTask.perform(); } @action savePrice(price) { const stripePrices = => { if ( === { return EmberObject.create({ ...price, active: !! }); } return { ...d, active: !! }; }); if (! { stripePrices.push(EmberObject.create({ ...price, active: !! })); } this.tier.set('stripePrices', stripePrices); this.saveTask.perform(); } @action closePriceModal() { this.showPriceModal = false; } @action setPaidSignupRedirect(url) { this.paidSignupRedirect = url; } @action validatePaidSignupRedirect() { return this._validateSignupRedirect(this.paidSignupRedirect, 'membersPaidSignupRedirect'); } @task({restartable: true}) *saveTask() { this.send('validatePaidSignupRedirect'); this.tier.validate(); if (this.tier.get('errors').length !== 0) { return; } if (this.settings.get('errors').length !== 0) { return; } yield; const response = yield; if (this.showPriceModal) { this.closePriceModal(); } return response; } _validateSignupRedirect(url, type) { let errMessage = `Please enter a valid URL`; this.settings.get('errors').remove(type); this.settings.get('hasValidated').removeObject(type); if (url === null) { this.settings.get('errors').add(type, errMessage); this.settings.get('hasValidated').pushObject(type); return false; } if (url === undefined) { // Not initialised return; } if (url.href.startsWith(this.siteUrl)) { const path = url.href.replace(this.siteUrl, ''); this.settings.set(type, path); } else { this.settings.set(type, url.href); } } }