import AuthenticatedRoute from 'ghost-admin/routes/authenticated'; import {assign} from '@ember/polyfills'; import {isBlank} from '@ember/utils'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; export default AuthenticatedRoute.extend({ infinity: service(), router: service(), queryParams: { type: {refreshModel: true}, visibility: {refreshModel: true}, access: {refreshModel: true}, author: {refreshModel: true}, tag: {refreshModel: true}, order: {refreshModel: true} }, modelName: 'post', perPage: 30, init() { this._super(...arguments); // if we're already on this route and we're transiting _to_ this route // then the filters are being changed and we shouldn't create a new // browser history entry // see this.router.on('routeWillChange', (transition) => { if ( && (this.routeName === 'posts' || this.routeName === 'pages')) { let toThisRoute = => === this.routeName); if (transition.from && === this.routeName && toThisRoute) { transition.method('replace'); } } }); }, model(params) { const user = this.session.user; let queryParams = {}; let filterParams = {tag: params.tag, visibility: params.visibility}; let paginationParams = { perPageParam: 'limit', totalPagesParam: 'meta.pagination.pages' }; assign(filterParams, this._getTypeFilters(params.type)); if (params.type === 'featured') { filterParams.featured = true; } if (user.isAuthor) { // authors can only view their own posts filterParams.authors = user.slug; } else if (user.isContributor) { // Contributors can only view their own draft posts filterParams.authors = user.slug; filterParams.status = 'draft'; } else if ( { filterParams.authors =; } let filter = this._filterString(filterParams); if (!isBlank(filter)) { queryParams.filter = filter; } if (!isBlank(params.order)) { queryParams.order = params.order; } let perPage = this.perPage; let paginationSettings = assign({perPage, startingPage: 1}, paginationParams, queryParams); return this.infinity.model(this.modelName, paginationSettings); }, // trigger a background load of all tags, authors, and snipps for use in filter dropdowns and card menu setupController(controller) { this._super(...arguments); if (!controller._hasLoadedTags) {'tag', {limit: 'all'}).then(() => { controller._hasLoadedTags = true; }); } if (!this.session.user.isAuthorOrContributor && !controller._hasLoadedAuthors) {'user', {limit: 'all'}).then(() => { controller._hasLoadedAuthors = true; }); } if (!controller._hasLoadedSnippets) {'snippet', {limit: 'all'}).then(() => { controller._hasLoadedSnippets = true; }); } }, actions: { queryParamsDidChange() { // scroll back to the top let contentList = document.querySelector('.content-list'); if (contentList) { contentList.scrollTop = 0; } this._super(...arguments); } }, buildRouteInfoMetadata() { return { titleToken: 'Posts' }; }, _getTypeFilters(type) { let status = '[draft,scheduled,published,sent]'; switch (type) { case 'draft': status = 'draft'; break; case 'published': status = 'published'; break; case 'scheduled': status = 'scheduled'; break; case 'sent': status = 'sent'; break; } return { status }; }, _filterString(filter) { return Object.keys(filter).map((key) => { let value = filter[key]; if (!isBlank(value)) { return `${key}:${filter[key]}`; } }).compact().join('+'); } });