
{{#if}}{{}} offers{{else}}Unknown type{{/if}}
New offer
{{#if (and this.offersExist this.filteredOffers.length)}} {{#each this.filteredOffers as |offer|}}


{{}} - {{if (eq offer.cadence 'month') 'Monthly' 'Yearly'}} {{#if (eq offer.type 'percent')}} {{svg-jar "offer"}} {{offer.amount}}% OFF {{/if}} {{#if (eq offer.type 'fixed')}} {{svg-jar "offer"}} {{gh-price-amount offer.amount}} {{offer.currency}} OFF {{/if}} – {{offer.duration}} -
{{svg-jar "arrow-right" class="w6 h6 fill-midgrey pa1"}}
{{#if (eq this.selectedType.value "active")}} {{gh-pluralize this.filteredOffers.length "active offer"}} {{else}} {{gh-pluralize this.filteredOffers.length "archived offer"}} {{/if}} Tier Terms Redemptions
{{else}} {{#if (eq this.selectedType.value "active")}}
{{svg-jar "discount-bubble" class="discount-bubble"}}

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{{svg-jar "add"}} Add offer

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{{/if}} {{/if}} {{#if (eq this.selectedType.value "active")}} {{/if}}