var should = require('should'), // jshint ignore:line sinon = require('sinon'), config = require('../../../server/config'), // is only exposed via themes.getActive() activeTheme = require('../../../server/themes/active'), engine = require('../../../server/themes/engine'), sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); describe('Themes', function () { afterEach(function () { sandbox.restore(); }); describe('Active', function () { describe('Mount', function () { var engineStub, configStub, fakeBlogApp, fakeLoadedTheme, fakeCheckedTheme; beforeEach(function () { engineStub = sandbox.stub(engine, 'configure'); configStub = sandbox.stub(config, 'set'); fakeBlogApp = { cache: ['stuff'], set: sandbox.stub(), engine: sandbox.stub() }; fakeLoadedTheme = { name: 'casper', path: 'my/fake/theme/path' }; fakeCheckedTheme = { templates: { all: ['post', 'about', 'post-hey', 'custom-test'], custom: ['custom-test', 'post-hey'] } }; }); it('should mount active theme with partials', function () { // setup partials fakeCheckedTheme.partials = ['loop', 'navigation']; var theme = activeTheme.set(fakeLoadedTheme, fakeCheckedTheme); // Check the theme is not yet mounted activeTheme.get(); // Call mount! theme.mount(fakeBlogApp); // Check the asset hash gets reset; configStub.calledWith('assetHash', null); // Check te view cache was cleared fakeBlogApp.cache.should.eql({}); // Check the views were set correctly; fakeBlogApp.set.calledWith('views', 'my/fake/theme/path'); // Check handlebars was configured correctly; engineStub.calledWith('my/fake/theme/path/partials'); // Check the theme is now mounted activeTheme.get(); }); it('should mount active theme without partials', function () { // setup partials fakeCheckedTheme.partials = []; var theme = activeTheme.set(fakeLoadedTheme, fakeCheckedTheme); // Check the theme is not yet mounted activeTheme.get(); // Call mount! theme.mount(fakeBlogApp); // Check the asset hash gets reset; configStub.calledWith('assetHash', null); // Check te view cache was cleared fakeBlogApp.cache.should.eql({}); // Check the views were set correctly; fakeBlogApp.set.calledWith('views', 'my/fake/theme/path'); // Check handlebars was configured correctly; engineStub.calledWith(); // Check the theme is now mounted activeTheme.get(); }); }); }); });