import Controller from '@ember/controller'; import {alias, empty} from '@ember/object/computed'; import {inject as injectService} from '@ember/service'; import {task} from 'ember-concurrency'; export default Controller.extend({ notifications: injectService(), settings: injectService(), config: injectService(), unsplash: injectService(), model: alias('settings.unsplash'), testRequestDisabled: empty('model.applicationId'), _triggerValidations() { let isActive = this.get('model.isActive'); let applicationId = this.get('model.applicationId'); this.get('model.hasValidated').clear(); // api key field is hidden if set via config so don't validate in that case if (!this.get('config.unsplashAPI.applicationId')) { // CASE: application id is empty but unsplash is enabled if (isActive && !applicationId) { this.get('model.errors').add( 'isActive', 'You need to enter an Application ID before enabling it' ); this.get('model.hasValidated').pushObject('isActive'); } else { // run the validation for application id this.get('model').validate(); } } this.get('model.hasValidated').pushObject('isActive'); }, save: task(function* () { let unsplash = this.get('model'); let settings = this.get('settings'); // Don't save when we have errors and properties are not validated if ((this.get('model.errors.isActive') || this.get('model.errors.applicationId'))) { return; } try { settings.set('unsplash', unsplash); return yield; } catch (error) { if (error) { this.get('notifications').showAPIError(error); throw error; } } }).drop(), sendTestRequest: task(function* () { let notifications = this.get('notifications'); let applicationId = this.get('model.applicationId'); try { yield this.get('unsplash').sendTestRequest(applicationId); } catch (error) { notifications.showAPIError(error, {key: 'unsplash-test:send'}); return false; } // save the application id when it's valid yield this.get('save').perform(); return true; }).drop(), actions: { save() { this.get('save').perform(); }, update(value) { if (this.get('model.errors.isActive')) { this.get('model.errors.isActive').clear(); } this.set('model.isActive', value); this._triggerValidations(); }, updateId(value) { value = value ? value.toString().trim() : ''; if (this.get('model.errors.applicationId')) { this.get('model.errors.applicationId').clear(); } this.set('model.applicationId', value); this._triggerValidations(); } } });