/* eslint-env node */ 'use strict'; module.exports = function (environment) { let ENV = { modulePrefix: 'ghost-admin', environment, rootURL: '/', locationType: 'trailing-hash', EmberENV: { FEATURES: { // Here you can enable experimental features on an ember canary build // e.g. EMBER_NATIVE_DECORATOR_SUPPORT: true }, // @TODO verify that String/Function need to be enabled EXTEND_PROTOTYPES: { Date: false, Array: true, String: true, Function: false } }, APP: { // Here you can pass flags/options to your application instance // when it is created // override the default version string which contains git info from // https://github.com/cibernox/git-repo-version. Only include the // `major.minor` version numbers version: require('../package.json').version.match(/^(\d+\.)?(\d+)/)[0] }, 'ember-simple-auth': { }, moment: { includeTimezone: 'all' }, emberKeyboard: { disableInputsInitializer: true } }; if (environment === 'development') { // ENV.APP.LOG_RESOLVER = true; ENV.APP.LOG_ACTIVE_GENERATION = true; ENV.APP.LOG_TRANSITIONS = true; ENV.APP.LOG_TRANSITIONS_INTERNAL = true; ENV.APP.LOG_VIEW_LOOKUPS = true; // Enable mirage here in order to mock API endpoints during development ENV['ember-cli-mirage'] = { enabled: false }; } if (environment === 'test') { // Testem prefers this... ENV.locationType = 'none'; // keep test console output quieter ENV.APP.LOG_ACTIVE_GENERATION = false; ENV.APP.LOG_VIEW_LOOKUPS = false; ENV.APP.rootElement = '#ember-testing'; ENV.APP.autoboot = false; // Withuot manually setting this, pretender won't track requests ENV['ember-cli-mirage'] = { trackRequests: true }; } return ENV; };