// mobiledoc by default ignores
tags but we have a custom SoftReturn atom export function brToSoftBreakAtom(node, builder, {addMarkerable, nodeFinished}) { if (node.nodeType !== 1 || node.tagName !== 'BR') { return; } let softReturn = builder.createAtom('soft-return'); addMarkerable(softReturn); nodeFinished(); } // leading newlines in text nodes will add a space to the beginning of the text // which doesn't render correctly if we're replacing
with SoftReturn atoms // after parsing text as markdown to html export function removeLeadingNewline(node) { if (node.nodeType !== 3 || node.nodeName !== '#text') { return; } node.nodeValue = node.nodeValue.replace(/^\n/, ''); } export function imgToCard(node, builder, {addSection, nodeFinished}) { if (node.nodeType !== 1 || node.tagName !== 'IMG') { return; } let payload = {src: node.src}; // TODO: this is a workaround for grabbing a figure>img+figcaption until // https://github.com/bustle/mobiledoc-kit/issues/494 is resolved // NOTE: it will only work in a strict
case let nextSibling = node.nextSibling; if (nextSibling && nextSibling.tagName === 'FIGCAPTION') { payload.caption = nextSibling.textContent; node.parentNode.removeChild(nextSibling); } let cardSection = builder.createCardSection('image', payload); addSection(cardSection); nodeFinished(); } export function hrToCard(node, builder, {addSection, nodeFinished}) { if (node.nodeType !== 1 || node.tagName !== 'HR') { return; } let cardSection = builder.createCardSection('hr'); addSection(cardSection); nodeFinished(); } export function preCodeToCard(node, builder, {addSection, nodeFinished}) { if (node.nodeType !== 1 || node.tagName !== 'PRE') { return; } let [codeElement] = node.children; if (codeElement && codeElement.tagName === 'CODE') { let payload = {code: codeElement.textContent}; let cardSection = builder.createCardSection('code', payload); addSection(cardSection); nodeFinished(); } } export default [ brToSoftBreakAtom, removeLeadingNewline, imgToCard, hrToCard, preCodeToCard ];