/*global window, document, Ghost, Backbone, $, _ */ (function () { "use strict"; Ghost.Router = Backbone.Router.extend({ routes: { '' : 'blog', 'content/' : 'blog', 'settings/' : 'settings', 'settings(/:pane)' : 'settings', 'editor/' : 'editor', 'editor(/:id)' : 'editor', 'debug/' : 'debug', 'register/' : 'register', 'signup/' : 'signup', 'signin/' : 'login', 'forgotten/' : 'forgotten' }, signup: function () { Ghost.currentView = new Ghost.Views.Signup({ el: '.js-signup-box' }); }, login: function () { Ghost.currentView = new Ghost.Views.Login({ el: '.js-login-box' }); }, forgotten: function () { Ghost.currentView = new Ghost.Views.Forgotten({ el: '.js-forgotten-box' }); }, blog: function () { var posts = new Ghost.Collections.Posts(); posts.fetch({ data: { status: 'all', orderBy: ['updated_at', 'DESC'] } }).then(function () { Ghost.currentView = new Ghost.Views.Blog({ el: '#main', collection: posts }); }); }, settings: function (pane) { if (!pane) { // Redirect to settings/general if no pane supplied this.navigate('/settings/general', { trigger: true, replace: true }); return; } // only update the currentView if we don't already have a Settings view if (!Ghost.currentView || !(Ghost.currentView instanceof Ghost.Views.Settings)) { Ghost.currentView = new Ghost.Views.Settings({ el: '#main', pane: pane }); } }, editor: function (id) { var post = new Ghost.Models.Post(); post.urlRoot = Ghost.settings.apiRoot + '/posts'; if (id) { post.id = id; post.fetch().then(function () { Ghost.currentView = new Ghost.Views.Editor({ el: '#main', model: post }); }); } else { Ghost.currentView = new Ghost.Views.Editor({ el: '#main', model: post }); } }, debug: function () { Ghost.currentView = new Ghost.Views.Debug({ el: "#main" }); } }); }());