import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import envConfig from 'ghost-admin/config/environment'; import moment from 'moment-timezone'; import {action} from '@ember/object'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; import {task} from 'ember-concurrency'; export default class FooterBanner extends Component { @service session; @service dashboardStats; @service feature; @service membersUtils; @service modals; @service settings; @service whatsNew; constructor() { super(...arguments); this.loadCurrentMRR.perform(); } get isAdminOrOwner() { return this.session.user.isAdmin; } get isReferralNotificationNotDismissed() { return !this.feature.accessibility.referralInviteDismissed; } get stripeLiveModeEnabled() { // allow testing mode when not in a production environment const isDevModeStripeEnabled = envConfig.environment !== 'production' && this.membersUtils.isStripeEnabled; const isLiveEnabled = this.settings.stripeConnectLivemode; return isDevModeStripeEnabled || isLiveEnabled; } get hasReachedMRR() { return this.dashboardStats.currentMRR / 100 >= 100; } get showReferralInvite() { // Conditions to see the referral invite // 1. Needs to be Owner or Admin // 2. Stripe is setup and enabled in live mode // 3. MRR is > $100 // 4. Notification has not yet been dismissed by the user return !this.args.hasThemeErrors && this.isAdminOrOwner && this.isReferralNotificationNotDismissed && this.stripeLiveModeEnabled && this.hasReachedMRR; } get showWhatsNew() { return !this.showReferralInvite && this.whatsNew.hasNewFeatured; } @task *loadCurrentMRR() { if (this.isAdminOrOwnern) { try { yield this.dashboardStats.loadMrrStats(); } catch (error) { // noop } } } @action dismissReferralInvite(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); if (!this.feature.referralInviteDismissed) { this.feature.referralInviteDismissed = moment().tz(this.settings.timezone); } } @action dismissWhatsNewToast(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); // Dismiss this.whatsNew.seen(); } @action openFeaturedWhatsNew(href) {, '_blank'); this.whatsNew.seen(); } }