import TextArea from '@ember/component/text-area'; import TextInputMixin from 'ghost-admin/mixins/text-input'; import classic from 'ember-classic-decorator'; import {classNames} from '@ember-decorators/component'; import {run} from '@ember/runloop'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; @classic @classNames('gh-input') export default class GhTextarea extends TextArea.extend(TextInputMixin) { @service resizeDetector; autoExpand = false; didReceiveAttrs() { super.didReceiveAttrs(...arguments); // trigger auto-expand any time the value changes if (this.autoExpand) { run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, this._autoExpand); } } willInsertElement() { super.willInsertElement(...arguments); // disable the draggable resize element that browsers add to textareas if (this.autoExpand) { = 'none'; } } didInsertElement() { super.didInsertElement(...arguments); // set up resize handler on element insert so that we can autoexpand // when the element container changes size if (this.autoExpand) { run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, this._setupAutoExpand); } if (this.didCreateTextarea) { this.didCreateTextarea(this.element); } } willDestroyElement() { this._teardownAutoExpand(); super.willDestroyElement(...arguments); } _autoExpand() { let el = this.element; // collapse the element first so that we can shrink as well as expand // then set the height to match the text height if (el) { = 0; = `${el.scrollHeight}px`; } } _setupAutoExpand() { this._resizeCallback = run.bind(this, this._onResize); this.resizeDetector.setup(this.autoExpand, this._resizeCallback); this._autoExpand(); } _onResize() { this._autoExpand(); } _teardownAutoExpand() { this.resizeDetector.teardown(this.autoExpand, this._resizeCallback); } }