import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import moment from 'moment-timezone'; import {action} from '@ember/object'; import {didCancel, task, timeout} from 'ember-concurrency'; import {formatNumber} from 'ghost-admin/helpers/format-number'; import {ghPluralize} from 'ghost-admin/helpers/gh-pluralize'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; import {tracked} from '@glimmer/tracking'; export default class Debug extends Component { @service ajax; @service ghostPaths; @service settings; @service membersUtils; @service utils; @service feature; @service store; @tracked emailBatches = null; @tracked recipientFailures = null; @tracked loading = true; @tracked analyticsStatus = null; @tracked latestEmail = null; get post() { return; } get email() { return this.latestEmail ??; } async updateEmail() { try { this.latestEmail = await'email',, {reload: true}); } catch (e) { // Skip } } get emailError() { // get failed batches count let failedBatches = this.emailBatchesData?.filter((batch) => { return batch.statusClass === 'failed'; }).length || 0; // get total batch count let totalBatches = this.emailBatchesData?.length || 0; let details = (this.loading || !totalBatches) ? '' : `${failedBatches} of ${ghPluralize(totalBatches, 'batch')} failed to send, check below for more details.`; return { message: || 'Failed to send email.', details }; } get emailSettings() { return { statusClass:, status: this.getStatusLabel(, recipientFilter:, createdAt: ? moment('DD MMM, YYYY, HH:mm:ss') : '', submittedAt: ? moment('DD MMM, YYYY, HH:mm:ss') : '', emailsSent:, emailsDelivered:, emailsOpened:, emailsFailed:, trackOpens:, trackClicks:, feedbackEnabled: }; } get tabTotals() { return { temporaryFailures: formatNumber(this.temporaryFailureData?.length || 0), permanentFailures: formatNumber(this.permanentFailureData?.length || 0), erroredBatches: formatNumber(this.emailBatchesData?.filter((batch) => { return batch.statusClass === 'failed'; }).length || 0) }; } get emailBatchesData() { return this.emailBatches?.map((batch) => { return { id:, status: this.getStatusLabel(batch.status), statusClass: batch.status, createdAt: batch.created_at ? moment(batch.created_at).format('DD MMM, YYYY, HH:mm:ss') : '', segment: batch.member_segment || '', providerId: batch.provider_id || null, errorMessage: batch.error_message || '', errorStatusCode: batch.error_status_code || '', recipientCount: batch.count?.recipients || 0 }; }); } get temporaryFailureData() { return this.recipientFailures?.filter((failure) => { return failure.severity === 'temporary'; }).map((failure) => { return { id:, code: failure.code, failedAt: failure.failed_at ? moment(failure.failed_at).format('DD MMM, YYYY, HH:mm:ss') : '', processedAt: failure.email_recipient.processed_at ? moment(failure.email_recipient.processed_at).format('DD MMM, YYYY, HH:mm:ss') : '', batchId: failure.email_recipient.batch_id, enhancedCode: failure.enhanced_code, message: failure.message, recipient: { name: failure.email_recipient.member_name || '', email: failure.email_recipient.member_email || '', initials: this.getInitials(failure.email_recipient?.member_name || failure.email_recipient?.member_email) }, member: { record: failure.member, id: failure.member?.id, name: failure.member?.name || '', email: failure.member?.email || '', initials: this.getInitials(failure.member?.name) } }; }); } get permanentFailureData() { return this.recipientFailures?.filter((failure) => { return failure.severity === 'permanent'; }).map((failure) => { return { id:, code: failure.code, enhancedCode: failure.enhanced_code, message: failure.message, recipient: { name: failure.email_recipient.member_name || '', email: failure.email_recipient.member_email || '', initials: this.getInitials(failure.email_recipient?.member_name || failure.email_recipient?.member_email) }, member: { record: failure.member, id: failure.member?.id, name: failure.member?.name || '', email: failure.member?.email || '', initials: this.getInitials(failure.member?.name) } }; }); } getInitials(name) { if (!name) { return 'U'; } let names = name.split(' '); let intials = names.length > 1 ? [names[0][0], names[names.length - 1][0]] : [names[0][0]]; return intials.join('').toUpperCase(); } getStatusLabel(status) { if (status === 'submitted') { return 'Submitted'; } else if (status === 'submitting') { return 'Submitting'; } else if (status === 'pending') { return 'Pending'; } else if (status === 'failed') { return 'Failed'; } return status; } @action loadData() { if ( { this.fetchEmailBatches(); this.fetchRecipientFailures(); this.pollAnalyticsStatus.perform(); this.pollEmail.perform(); } } async fetchEmailBatches() { try { if (this._fetchEmailBatches.isRunning) { return this._fetchEmailBatches.last; } return this._fetchEmailBatches.perform(); } catch (e) { if (!didCancel(e)) { // re-throw the non-cancelation error throw e; } } } @task *_fetchEmailBatches() { const data = { include: 'count.recipients', limit: 'all', order: 'status asc, created_at desc' }; let statsUrl = this.ghostPaths.url.api(`emails/${}/batches`); let result = yield this.ajax.request(statsUrl, {data}); this.emailBatches = result.batches; this.loading = false; } async fetchRecipientFailures() { try { if (this._fetchRecipientFailures.isRunning) { return this._fetchRecipientFailures.last; } return this._fetchRecipientFailures.perform(); } catch (e) { if (!didCancel(e)) { // re-throw the non-cancelation error throw e; } } } @task *pollAnalyticsStatus() { while (true) { yield this.fetchAnalyticsStatus(); yield timeout(5 * 1000); } } @task *pollEmail() { while (true) { yield timeout(10 * 1000); yield this.updateEmail(); } } async fetchAnalyticsStatus() { try { if (this._fetchAnalyticsStatus.isRunning) { return this._fetchAnalyticsStatus.last; } return this._fetchAnalyticsStatus.perform(); } catch (e) { // Skip } } @task *_fetchRecipientFailures() { const data = { include: 'member,email_recipient', limit: 'all' }; let statsUrl = this.ghostPaths.url.api(`/emails/${}/recipient-failures`); let result = yield this.ajax.request(statsUrl, {data}); this.recipientFailures = result.failures; } @task *_fetchAnalyticsStatus() { let statsUrl = this.ghostPaths.url.api(`/emails/${}/analytics`); let result = yield this.ajax.request(statsUrl); this.analyticsStatus = result; // Parse dates for (const type of Object.keys(result)) { if (!result[type]) { result[type] = {}; } let object = result[type]; for (const key of ['lastStarted', 'lastBegin', 'lastEventTimestamp']) { if (object[key]) { object[key] = moment(object[key]).format('DD MMM, YYYY, HH:mm:ss.SSS'); } else { object[key] = 'N/A'; } } if (object.schedule) { object = object.schedule; for (const key of ['begin', 'end']) { if (object[key]) { object[key] = moment(object[key]).format('DD MMM, YYYY, HH:mm:ss.SSS'); } else { object[key] = 'N/A'; } } } } } @action scheduleAnalytics() { try { if (this._scheduleAnalytics.isRunning) { return this._scheduleAnalytics.last; } return this._scheduleAnalytics.perform(); } catch (e) { if (!didCancel(e)) { // re-throw the non-cancelation error throw e; } } } @task *_scheduleAnalytics() { let statsUrl = this.ghostPaths.url.api(`/emails/${}/analytics`); yield this.ajax.put(statsUrl, {}); yield this.fetchAnalyticsStatus(); } @action cancelScheduleAnalytics() { try { if (this._cancelScheduleAnalytics.isRunning) { return this._cancelScheduleAnalytics.last; } return this._cancelScheduleAnalytics.perform(); } catch (e) { if (!didCancel(e)) { // re-throw the non-cancelation error throw e; } } } @task *_cancelScheduleAnalytics() { let statsUrl = this.ghostPaths.url.api(`/emails/analytics`); yield this.ajax.delete(statsUrl, {}); yield this.fetchAnalyticsStatus(); } }