import Pretender from 'pretender'; import Service from '@ember/service'; import {describe, it} from 'mocha'; import {expect} from 'chai'; import {setupTest} from 'ember-mocha'; let MembersUtilsStub = Service.extend({ isStripeEnabled: true }); describe('Integration: Service: member-import-validator', function () { setupTest(); let server; beforeEach(function () { server = new Pretender(); this.owner.register('service:membersUtils', MembersUtilsStub); }); afterEach(function () { server.shutdown(); }); it('checks correct data without Stripe customer', async function () { let service = this.owner.lookup('service:member-import-validator'); const {validationErrors, mapping} = await service.check([{ name: 'Rish', email: '' }]); expect(validationErrors.length).to.equal(0); expect('email'); }); it('returns validation error when no data is provided', async function () { let service = this.owner.lookup('service:member-import-validator'); const {validationErrors} = await service.check([]); expect(validationErrors.length).to.equal(1); expect(validationErrors[0].message).to.equal('File is empty, nothing to import. Please select a different file.'); }); it('returns validation error for data with stripe_customer_id but no connected Stripe', async function () { this.owner.register('service:membersUtils', Service.extend({ isStripeEnabled: false })); let service = this.owner.lookup('service:member-import-validator'); const {validationErrors, mapping} = await service.check([{ name: 'Kevin', email: '', stripe_customer_id: 'cus_XXXX' }]); expect(validationErrors.length).to.equal(1); expect(validationErrors[0].message).to.equal('Missing Stripe connection'); expect('email'); expect(mapping.stripe_customer_id).to.equal('stripe_customer_id'); }); it('returns validation error for no valid emails', async function () { this.owner.register('service:membersUtils', Service.extend({ isStripeEnabled: false })); let service = this.owner.lookup('service:member-import-validator'); const {validationErrors} = await service.check([{ email: 'invalid_email' }]); expect(validationErrors.length).to.equal(1); expect(validationErrors[0].message).to.equal('No email addresses found in the uploaded CSV.'); }); it('ignores validation for invalid email', async function () { this.owner.register('service:membersUtils', Service.extend({ isStripeEnabled: false })); let service = this.owner.lookup('service:member-import-validator'); const {validationErrors} = await service.check([{ email: 'invalid_email' }, { email: '' }]); expect(validationErrors.length).to.equal(0); }); describe('data sampling method', function () { it('returns whole data set when sampled size is less then default 30', async function () { this.owner.register('service:membersUtils', Service.extend({ isStripeEnabled: false })); let service = this.owner.lookup('service:member-import-validator'); const result = await service._sampleData([{ email: '' }, { email: '' }]); expect(result.length).to.equal(2); }); it('returns dataset with sample size for non empty values only', async function () { this.owner.register('service:membersUtils', Service.extend({ isStripeEnabled: false })); let service = this.owner.lookup('service:member-import-validator'); let data = [{ email: null }, { email: '' }, { email: '' }, { email: '' }, { email: '' }]; const result = await service._sampleData(data, 3); expect(result.length).to.equal(3); expect(result[0].email).to.equal(''); expect(result[1].email).to.equal(''); expect(result[2].email).to.equal(''); }); it('returns dataset with sample size for non empty values for objects with multiple properties', async function () { this.owner.register('service:membersUtils', Service.extend({ isStripeEnabled: false })); let service = this.owner.lookup('service:member-import-validator'); let data = [{ email: null, other_prop: 'non empty 1' }, { email: '', other_prop: 'non empty 2' }, { email: '', other_prop: '' }, { email: '' }, { email: '', other_prop: 'non empty 5' }]; const result = await service._sampleData(data, 3); expect(result.length).to.equal(3); expect(result[0].email).to.equal(''); expect(result[0].other_prop).to.equal('non empty 1'); expect(result[1].email).to.equal(''); expect(result[1].other_prop).to.equal('non empty 2'); expect(result[2].email).to.equal(''); expect(result[2].other_prop).to.equal('non empty 5'); }); }); describe('data detection method', function () { it('correctly detects only email mapping', async function () { this.owner.register('service:membersUtils', Service.extend({ isStripeEnabled: false })); let service = this.owner.lookup('service:member-import-validator'); const result = service._detectDataTypes([{ correo_electronico: '' }, { correo_electronico: '' }]); expect('correo_electronico'); expect(result.stripe_customer_id).to.equal(undefined); }); it('correctly detects only email mapping', async function () { this.owner.register('service:membersUtils', Service.extend({ isStripeEnabled: false })); let service = this.owner.lookup('service:member-import-validator'); const result = service._detectDataTypes([{ correo_electronico: '', stripe_id: '' }, { correo_electronico: '', stripe_id: 'cus_' }]); expect('correo_electronico'); expect(result.stripe_customer_id).to.equal('stripe_id'); }); }); });