<header class="modal-header flex justify-center">
    <h1 style="margin: 0;">Impersonate</h1>
{{!-- disable mouseDown so it doesn't trigger focus-out validations --}}
<a class="close" href role="button" title="Close" {{action "closeModal"}} {{action (optional this.noop) on="mouseDown"}}>
    {{svg-jar "close"}}<span class="hidden">Close</span>

<div class="modal-body">
    <div class="flex items-center justify-center mt4 mb4">
            @sizeClass={{if this.member.name 'f-headline fw4 lh-zero tracked-1' 'f-headline fw4 lh-zero tracked-1'}}
            @containerClass="w25 h25 gh-member-detail-avatar" />

    <p class="tc pl4 pr4">
        This is an authentication link to sign into <strong>{{this.config.blogTitle}}</strong> as <strong>{{this.member.email}}</strong>, you can send it to them if they need it, or use it to sign into their account for customer support.

        <div class="gh-input-group">
                @value={{readonly this.signinUrl}}
            {{#if this.signinUrl}}
                @buttonText="Copy link"
                @successText="Link copied"
                @class="gh-btn gh-btn-black gh-btn-icon" />
                @buttonText="Copy link"
                @successText="Link copied"
                @class="gh-btn gh-btn-black gh-btn-icon" />

    <p class="tc pt4 mb2">This link is only valid for the next <strong>24 hours</strong></p>