import Ember from 'ember'; import {request as ajax} from 'ic-ajax'; import ValidationEngine from 'ghost/mixins/validation-engine'; export default Ember.Controller.extend(ValidationEngine, { newPassword: '', ne2Password: '', token: '', submitting: false, validationType: 'reset', ghostPaths: Ember.inject.service('ghost-paths'), notifications: Ember.inject.service(), email: Ember.computed('token', function () { // The token base64 encodes the email (and some other stuff), // each section is divided by a '|'. Email comes second. return atob(this.get('token')).split('|')[1]; }), // Used to clear sensitive information clearData: function () { this.setProperties({ newPassword: '', ne2Password: '', token: '' }); }, actions: { submit: function () { var credentials = this.getProperties('newPassword', 'ne2Password', 'token'), self = this; this.validate().then(function () { self.toggleProperty('submitting'); ajax({ url: self.get('ghostPaths.url').api('authentication', 'passwordreset'), type: 'PUT', data: { passwordreset: [credentials] } }).then(function (resp) { self.toggleProperty('submitting'); self.get('notifications').showAlert(resp.passwordreset[0].message, {type: 'warn', delayed: true}); self.get('session').authenticate('simple-auth-authenticator:oauth2-password-grant', { identification: self.get('email'), password: credentials.newPassword }); }).catch(function (response) { self.get('notifications').showAPIError(response); self.toggleProperty('submitting'); }); }); } } });