import Ember from 'ember'; export default Ember.Controller.extend({ notifications: Ember.inject.service(), args: Ember.computed.alias('model'), actions: { confirmAccept: function () { var args = this.get('args'), editorController, model, transition; if (Ember.isArray(args)) { editorController = args[0]; transition = args[1]; model = editorController.get('model'); } if (!transition || !editorController) { this.get('notifications').showNotification('Sorry, there was an error in the application. Please let the Ghost team know what happened.', {type: 'error'}); return true; } // definitely want to clear the data store and post of any unsaved, client-generated tags model.updateTags(); if (model.get('isNew')) { // the user doesn't want to save the new, unsaved post, so delete it. model.deleteRecord(); } else { // roll back changes on model props model.rollback(); } // setting isDirty to false here allows willTransition on the editor route to succeed editorController.set('isDirty', false); // since the transition is now certain to complete, we can unset window.onbeforeunload here window.onbeforeunload = null; transition.retry(); }, confirmReject: function () { } }, confirm: { accept: { text: 'Leave', buttonClass: 'btn btn-red' }, reject: { text: 'Stay', buttonClass: 'btn btn-default btn-minor' } } });