import $ from 'jquery'; import Component from '@ember/component'; import {computed} from '@ember/object'; import {htmlSafe} from '@ember/string'; import {run} from '@ember/runloop'; export default Component.extend({ height: 0, photo: null, tagName: '', width: 1200, zoomed: false, // closure actions select() {}, zoom() {}, style: computed('zoomed', function () { return htmlSafe(this.zoomed ? 'width: auto; margin: 0;' : ''); }), // avoid "binding style attributes" warnings containerStyle: computed('photo.color', 'zoomed', function () { let styles = []; let ratio = this.get('photo.ratio'); let zoomed = this.zoomed; styles.push(`background-color: ${this.get('photo.color')}`); if (zoomed) { styles.push(`cursor: zoom-out`); } else { styles.push(`padding-bottom: ${ratio * 100}%`); } return htmlSafe(styles.join('; ')); }), imageUrl: computed('photo.urls.regular', function () { let url = this.get('photo.urls.regular'); url = url.replace('&w=1080', '&w=1200'); return url; }), didReceiveAttrs() { this._super(...arguments); this.set('height', this.width *; if (this.zoomed && !this._zoomed) { this._setZoomedSize(); } this._zoomed = this.zoomed; if (this.zoomed && !this._resizeHandler) { this._setupResizeHandler(); } else if (!this.zoomed && this._resizeHandler) { this._teardownResizeHandler(); } }, didInsertElement() { this._super(...arguments); this._hasRendered = true; if (this.zoomed) { this._setZoomedSize(); } }, willDestroyElement() { this._super(...arguments); this._teardownResizeHandler(); }, actions: { select(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation();; }, zoom(event) { let $target = $(; // only zoom when it wasn't one of the child links clicked if (!$'a') && $target.closest('a').hasClass('gh-unsplash-photo')) { event.preventDefault(); this.zoom(; } // don't propagate otherwise we can trigger the closeZoom action on the overlay event.stopPropagation(); } }, _setZoomedSize() { if (!this._hasRendered) { return false; } let a = document.querySelector(`[data-unsplash-zoomed-photo="${}"]`); = '100%'; = '100%'; let offsets = a.getBoundingClientRect(); let ratio =; let maxHeight = { width: offsets.height / ratio, height: offsets.height }; let maxWidth = { width: offsets.width, height: offsets.width * ratio }; let usableSize = null; if (ratio <= 1) { usableSize = maxWidth.height > offsets.height ? maxHeight : maxWidth; } else { usableSize = maxHeight.width > offsets.width ? maxWidth : maxHeight; } = `${usableSize.width}px`; = `${usableSize.height}px`; }, _setupResizeHandler() { if (this._resizeHandler) { return; } this._resizeHandler = run.bind(this, this._handleResize); window.addEventListener('resize', this._resizeHandler); }, _teardownResizeHandler() { window.removeEventListener('resize', this._resizeHandler); this._resizeHandler = null; }, _handleResize() { this._throttleResize = run.throttle(this, this._setZoomedSize, 100); } });