import {mobileQuery, responsiveAction} from 'ghost/utils/mobile'; var PostsView = Ember.View.extend({ target: Ember.computed.alias('controller'), classNames: ['content-view-container'], tagName: 'section', mobileInteractions: function () {'afterRender', this, function () { var self = this; $(window).resize(function () { if (!mobileQuery.matches) { self.send('resetContentPreview'); } }); // ### Add the blog URL to the version of the ghost logo $('.ghost-logo-link').attr('href', this.get('controller.ghostPaths').blogRoot); // ### Show content preview when swiping left on content list $('.manage').on('click', '.content-list ol li', function (event) { responsiveAction(event, '(max-width: 800px)', function () { self.send('showContentPreview'); }); }); // ### Hide content preview $('.manage').on('click', '.content-preview .button-back', function (event) { responsiveAction(event, '(max-width: 800px)', function () { self.send('hideContentPreview'); }); }); }); }.on('didInsertElement'), }); export default PostsView;