const _ = require('lodash'); const logging = require('@tryghost/logging'); const errors = require('@tryghost/errors'); const DomainEvents = require('@tryghost/domain-events'); const {SubscriptionCreatedEvent} = require('@tryghost/member-events'); module.exports = class WebhookController { /** * @param {object} deps * @param {import('./WebhookManager')} deps.webhookManager * @param {any} deps.deps.memberRepository */ constructor(deps) { this.deps = deps; this.webhookManager = deps.webhookManager; this.api = deps.api; this.sendSignupEmail = deps.sendSignupEmail; this.handlers = { 'customer.subscription.deleted': this.subscriptionEvent, 'customer.subscription.updated': this.subscriptionEvent, 'customer.subscription.created': this.subscriptionEvent, 'invoice.payment_succeeded': this.invoiceEvent, 'checkout.session.completed': this.checkoutSessionEvent }; } async handle(req, res) { // if (!apiService.configured) { // logging.error(`Stripe not configured, not handling webhook`); // res.writeHead(400); // return res.end(); // } if (!req.body || !req.headers['stripe-signature']) { res.writeHead(400); return res.end(); } let event; try { event = this.webhookManager.parseWebhook(req.body, req.headers['stripe-signature']); } catch (err) { logging.error(err); res.writeHead(401); return res.end(); }`Handling webhook ${event.type}`); try { await this.handleEvent(event); res.writeHead(200); res.end(); } catch (err) { logging.error(`Error handling webhook ${event.type}`, err); res.writeHead(err.statusCode || 500); res.end(); } } /** * @private */ async handleEvent(event) { if (!this.handlers[event.type]) { return; } await this.handlers[event.type].call(this,; } /** * @private */ async subscriptionEvent(subscription) { const subscriptionPriceData = _.get(subscription, ''); if (!subscriptionPriceData || subscriptionPriceData.length !== 1) { throw new errors.BadRequestError({ message: 'Subscription should have exactly 1 price item' }); } const member = await this.deps.memberRepository.get({ customer_id: subscription.customer }); if (member) { try { await this.deps.memberRepository.linkSubscription({ id:, subscription }); } catch (err) { if (err.code !== 'ER_DUP_ENTRY' && err.code !== 'SQLITE_CONSTRAINT') { throw err; } throw new errors.ConflictError({ err }); } } } /** * @private */ async invoiceEvent(invoice) { if (!invoice.subscription) { return; } const subscription = await this.api.getSubscription(invoice.subscription, { expand: ['default_payment_method'] }); const member = await this.deps.memberRepository.get({ customer_id: subscription.customer }); if (member) { if (invoice.paid && invoice.amount_paid !== 0) { await this.deps.eventRepository.registerPayment({ member_id:, currency: invoice.currency, amount: invoice.amount_paid }); } } else { // Subscription has more than one plan - meaning it is not one created by us - ignore. if (!subscription.plan) { return; } // Subscription is for a different product - ignore. const product = await this.deps.productRepository.get({ stripe_product_id: subscription.plan.product }); if (!product) { return; } // Could not find the member, which we need in order to insert an payment event. throw new errors.NotFoundError({ message: `No member found for customer ${subscription.customer}` }); } } /** * @private */ async checkoutSessionEvent(session) { if (session.mode === 'setup') { const setupIntent = await this.api.getSetupIntent(session.setup_intent); const member = await this.deps.memberRepository.get({ customer_id: setupIntent.metadata.customer_id }); await this.api.attachPaymentMethodToCustomer( setupIntent.metadata.customer_id, setupIntent.payment_method ); if (setupIntent.metadata.subscription_id) { const updatedSubscription = await this.api.updateSubscriptionDefaultPaymentMethod( setupIntent.metadata.subscription_id, setupIntent.payment_method ); try { await this.deps.memberRepository.linkSubscription({ id:, subscription: updatedSubscription }); } catch (err) { if (err.code !== 'ER_DUP_ENTRY' && err.code !== 'SQLITE_CONSTRAINT') { throw err; } throw new errors.ConflictError({ err }); } return; } const subscriptions = await member.related('stripeSubscriptions').fetch(); const activeSubscriptions = subscriptions.models.filter((subscription) => { return ['active', 'trialing', 'unpaid', 'past_due'].includes(subscription.get('status')); }); for (const subscription of activeSubscriptions) { if (subscription.get('customer_id') === setupIntent.metadata.customer_id) { const updatedSubscription = await this.api.updateSubscriptionDefaultPaymentMethod( subscription.get('subscription_id'), setupIntent.payment_method ); try { await this.deps.memberRepository.linkSubscription({ id:, subscription: updatedSubscription }); } catch (err) { if (err.code !== 'ER_DUP_ENTRY' && err.code !== 'SQLITE_CONSTRAINT') { throw err; } throw new errors.ConflictError({ err }); } } } } if (session.mode === 'subscription') { const customer = await this.api.getCustomer(session.customer, { expand: [''] }); let member = await this.deps.memberRepository.get({ email: }); const checkoutType = _.get(session, 'metadata.checkoutType'); if (!member) { const metadataName = _.get(session, ''); const payerName = _.get(customer, '[0]'); const name = metadataName || payerName || null; member = await this.deps.memberRepository.create({email:, name}); } else { const payerName = _.get(customer, '[0]'); if (payerName && !member.get('name')) { await this.deps.memberRepository.update({name: payerName}, {id: member.get('id')}); } } await this.deps.memberRepository.upsertCustomer({ customer_id:, member_id:, name:, email: }); for (const subscription of { try { await this.deps.memberRepository.linkSubscription({ id:, subscription }); } catch (err) { if (err.code !== 'ER_DUP_ENTRY' && err.code !== 'SQLITE_CONSTRAINT') { throw err; } throw new errors.ConflictError({ err }); } } const subscription = await this.deps.memberRepository.getSubscriptionByStripeID(session.subscription); const event = SubscriptionCreatedEvent.create({ memberId:, subscriptionId:, offerId: session.metadata.offer || null }); DomainEvents.dispatch(event); if (checkoutType !== 'upgrade') { this.sendSignupEmail(; } } } };