import AuthenticatedRoute from 'ghost-admin/routes/authenticated'; import {action} from '@ember/object'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; export default class ExploreIndexRoute extends AuthenticatedRoute { @service explore; @service store; @service router; @service feature; beforeModel(transition) { super.beforeModel(...arguments); // Usage of query param to ensure that sites can be submitted across // older versions of Ghost where the `connect` part lives in the // explore route directly. By using the query param, we avoid causing // a 404 and handle the redirect here. if ( === 'true') { this.explore.isIframeTransition = false; return this.router.transitionTo('explore.connect'); } // Ensure the explore window is set to open if ( === 'index' && !this.explore.exploreWindowOpen) { this.explore.openExploreWindow(this.router.currentURL); } } model() { return'integration'); } @action willTransition(transition) { let isExploreTransition = false; if (transition) { let destinationUrl = (typeof === 'string') ? : (transition.intent ? transition.intent.url : ''); if (destinationUrl?.includes('/explore')) { isExploreTransition = true; this.explore.isIframeTransition = isExploreTransition; if (destinationUrl?.includes('/explore/submit')) { // only show the submit page if the site is already submitted // and redirect to the connect page if not. if (Object.keys(this?.explore?.siteData).length >= 1) { this.controllerFor('explore').submitExploreSite(); } else { transition.abort(); return this.router.transitionTo('explore.connect'); } } else { let path = destinationUrl.replace(/explore\//, ''); path = path === '/' ? '/explore/' : path; if (destinationUrl?.includes('/explore/about')) {`${this.explore.exploreUrl}about/`, '_blank').focus(); path = '/explore/'; } // Send the updated route to the iframe this.explore.sendRouteUpdate({path}); } } } this.explore.toggleExploreWindow(isExploreTransition); } buildRouteInfoMetadata() { return { titleToken: 'Explore' }; } }