--- layout: default title: Popovers · Ghost UI ---


URL Structure Formatting
You can use dynamic variables in this field.

%t - The title of your post (or page)
%c - The tag which your post is categorised in
%y - The year your post was published
%m - The month your post was published
%d - The day your post was published

{% assign popover_classes = "popover-triangle-top|popover-triangle-top-left|popover-triangle-top-right|popover-triangle-bottom|popover-triangle-bottom-left|popover-triangle-bottom-right|popover-triangle-right|popover-triangle-right-top|popover-triangle-right-bottom|popover-triangle-left|popover-triangle-left-top|popover-triangle-left-bottom" | split: "|" %} {% for item in popover_classes %}
URL Structure Formatting
You can use dynamic variables in this field.

%t - The title of your post (or page)
%c - The tag which your post is categorised in
%y - The year your post was published
%m - The month your post was published
%d - The day your post was published

{% endfor %}