const express = require('express'); const {parse: parseURL, format: formatURL} = require('url'); const {parse: parseQuerystring, stringify: formatQuerystring} = require('querystring'); class DynamicRedirectManager { /** * @param {object} config * @param {number} config.permanentMaxAge * @param {object} config.urlUtils */ constructor({permanentMaxAge, urlUtils}) { /** @private */ this.permanentMaxAge = permanentMaxAge; /** @private */ this.urlUtils = urlUtils; /** @private */ this.router = express.Router(); /** @private @type {string[]} */ this.redirectIds = []; /** @private @type {Object.} */ this.redirects = {}; this.handleRequest = this.handleRequest.bind(this); } /** * @private * @param {string} string * @returns {RegExp} */ buildRegex(string) { let flags = ''; if (string.startsWith('/') && string.endsWith('/i')) { string = string.slice(1, -2); flags += 'i'; } if (string.endsWith('/')) { string = string.slice(0, -1); } if (!string.endsWith('$')) { string += '/?$'; } return new RegExp(string, flags); } /** * @private * @param {string} redirectId * @returns {void} */ setupRedirect(redirectId) { const {fromRegex, to, options: {permanent}} = this.redirects[redirectId]; this.router.get(fromRegex, (req, res) => { const maxAge = permanent ? this.permanentMaxAge : 0; const toURL = parseURL(to); const toURLParams = parseQuerystring(toURL.query); const currentURL = parseURL(req.url); const currentURLParams = parseQuerystring(currentURL.query); const params = Object.assign({}, currentURLParams, toURLParams); const search = formatQuerystring(params); toURL.pathname = currentURL.pathname.replace(fromRegex, toURL.pathname); = search !== '' ? `?${search}` : null; /** * Only if the url is internal should we prepend the Ghost subdirectory * @see */ if (!toURL.hostname) { toURL.pathname = this.urlUtils.urlJoin(this.urlUtils.getSubdir(), toURL.pathname); } res.set({ 'Cache-Control': `public, max-age=${maxAge}` }); res.redirect(permanent ? 301 : 302, formatURL(toURL)); }); } /** * @param {string} from * @param {string} to * @param {object} options * @param {boolean} options.permanent * * @returns {string} The redirect ID */ addRedirect(from, to, options) { try { const fromRegex = this.buildRegex(from); const redirectId = from; this.redirectIds.push(redirectId); this.redirects[redirectId] = { fromRegex, to, options }; this.setupRedirect(redirectId); return redirectId; } catch (error) { if (error.message.match(/Invalid regular expression/gi)) { return null; } throw error; } } /** * @param {string} redirectId * @returns {void} */ removeRedirect(redirectId) { this.redirectIds.splice(this.redirectIds.indexOf(redirectId), 1); delete this.redirects[redirectId]; this.router = express.Router(); this.redirectIds.forEach(id => this.setupRedirect(id)); return; } /** * @returns {void} */ removeAllRedirects() { this.redirectIds = []; this.redirects = {}; this.router = express.Router(); } /** * @param {express.Request} req * @param {express.Response} res * @param {express.NextFunction} next * * @returns {void} */ handleRequest(req, res, next) { this.router(req, res, next); } } module.exports = DynamicRedirectManager;