import {set} from '@ember/object'; export default function (editor, toolbar) { return [ { name: 'H1', class: 'h1', icon: '', label: 'Heading One', visibility: 'primary', selected: false, type: 'block', toolbar: true, onClick: (editor) => { => { postEditor.toggleSection('h1'); }); }, checkElements(elements) { set(this, 'selected', elements.filter(element => element.tagName === 'h1').length > 0); } }, { name: 'H2', class: 'h2', label: 'Heading Two', icon: '', selected: false, type: 'block', visibility: 'primary', toolbar: true, onClick: (editor) => { => { postEditor.toggleSection('h2'); }); }, checkElements(elements) { set(this, 'selected', elements.filter(element => element.tagName === 'h2').length > 0); } }, { name: 'H3', label: 'Heading Three', icon: '', selected: false, type: 'block', visibility: 'primary', onClick: (editor) => { => { postEditor.toggleSection('h3'); }); }, checkElements(elements) { set(this, 'selected', elements.filter(element => element.tagName === 'h3').length > 0); } }, { name: 'p', label: 'Text', icon: 'text.svg', selected: false, type: 'block', order: 0, cardMenu: true, onClick: (editor) => { => { postEditor.toggleSection('p'); }); }, checkElements(elements) { set(this, 'selected', elements.filter(element => element.tagName === 'p').length > 0); } }, { name: '“', label: 'Quote', class: 'quote', icon: 'quote.svg', selected: false, type: 'block', toolbar: true, onClick: (editor) => { => { postEditor.toggleSection('blockquote'); }); }, checkElements(elements) { set(this, 'selected', elements.filter(element => element.tagName === 'blockquote').length > 0); } }, { name: 'ul', label: 'Bullet List', icon: 'list-bullet.svg', selected: false, type: 'block', order: 5, cardMenu: true, onClick: (editor) => { => { postEditor.toggleSection('ul'); }); }, checkElements(elements) { set(this, 'selected', elements.filter(element => element.tagName === 'ul').length > 0); } }, { name: 'ol', label: 'Number List', icon: 'list-number.svg', selected: false, type: 'block', order: 6, cardMenu: true, onClick: (editor) => { => { postEditor.toggleSection('ol'); }); }, checkElements(elements) { set(this, 'selected', elements.filter(element => element.tagName === 'ol').length > 0); } }, { name: 'B', label: 'Bold', class: 'bold', icon: 'bold.svg', selected: false, type: 'markup', visibility: 'primary', onClick: (editor) => { => { postEditor.toggleMarkup('strong'); }); }, checkElements(/* elements */) { set(this, 'selected', true); // set(this, 'selected', elements.filter((element) => element.tagName === 'strong').length > 0); } }, { name: 'I', label: 'Italic', class: 'italic', icon: 'italic.svg', selected: false, type: 'markup', visibility: 'primary', onClick: (editor) => { => { postEditor.toggleMarkup('em'); }); }, checkElements(elements) { set(this, 'selected', elements.filter(element => element.tagName === 'em').length > 0); } }, { name: 'S', label: 'Strike', class: 'strike', icon: 'strikethrough.svg', selected: false, type: 'markup', onClick: (editor) => { => { postEditor.toggleMarkup('s'); }); }, checkElements(elements) { set(this, 'selected', elements.filter(element => element.tagName === 's').length > 0); } }, { name: '', label: 'Link', class: 'link', icon: 'link.svg', selected: false, type: 'markup', visibility: 'primary', onClick: (editor) => { toolbar.send('doLink', editor.range); }, checkElements(elements) { set(this, 'selected', elements.filter(element => element.tagName === 'a').length > 0); } }, { name: 'img', label: 'Image', selected: false, type: 'card', icon: 'photos.svg', visibility: 'primary', order: 2, cardMenu: true, onClick: (editor) => {, section) => { let thisSection = section || editor.range.headSection; let card = postEditor.builder.createCardSection('card-image', {pos: 'top', newlyCreated: true}); if (thisSection.text.length) { postEditor.insertSection(card); } else { postEditor.replaceSection(thisSection, card); } // insert empty paragraph after card if it's the last element. if (! { let newSection = editor.builder.createMarkupSection('p'); postEditor.insertSectionAtEnd(newSection); } }); }, checkElements(elements) { set(this, 'selected', elements.filter(element => element.tagName === 'sup').length > 0); } }, { name: 'html', label: 'Embed', selected: false, type: 'card', icon: 'brackets.svg', visibility: 'primary', order: 3, cardMenu: true, onClick: (editor, section) => { => { let thisSection = section || editor.range.headSection; let card = postEditor.builder.createCardSection('card-html', {pos: 'top', html: thisSection.text, newlyCreated: true}); // we can't replace a list item so we insert a card after it and then delete it. if (thisSection.isListItem) { editor.insertCard('card-html'); } else { postEditor.replaceSection(thisSection, card); } if (! { let newSection = editor.builder.createMarkupSection('p'); postEditor.insertSectionAtEnd(newSection); } }); }, checkElements() { } }, { name: 'hr', label: 'Divider', selected: false, type: 'card', icon: 'line.svg', visibility: 'primary', order: 4, cardMenu: true, onClick: (editor, section) => { => { let thisSection = section || editor.range.headSection; let card = postEditor.builder.createCardSection('card-hr', {pos: 'top', newlyCreated: true}); if (thisSection.text.length) { postEditor.insertSection(card); } else { postEditor.replaceSection(thisSection, card); } if (! { let newSection = editor.builder.createMarkupSection('p'); postEditor.insertSectionAtEnd(newSection); } }); }, checkElements() { } }, { name: 'md', label: 'Markdown', selected: false, type: 'card', visibility: 'primary', icon: 'markdown.svg', order: 1, cardMenu: true, onClick: (editor, section) => { => { let thisSection = section || editor.range.headSection; let card = postEditor.builder.createCardSection('card-markdown', {pos: 'top', markdown: thisSection.text, newlyCreated: true}); // we can't replace a list item so we insert a card after it and then delete it. if (thisSection.isListItem) { editor.insertCard('card-markdown'); } else { postEditor.replaceSection(thisSection, card); } // if this is the last element then insert a paragraph after the card if (! { let newSection = editor.builder.createMarkupSection('p'); postEditor.insertSectionAtEnd(newSection); } }); }, checkElements() { } } ]; }