const logging = require('@tryghost/logging'); const ObjectID = require('bson-objectid').default; const errors = require('@tryghost/errors'); const tpl = require('@tryghost/tpl'); const messages = { emailErrorPartialFailure: 'The email was only partially send', emailError: 'Email failed to send' }; /** * @typedef {import('./sending-service')} SendingService * @typedef {import('./email-segmenter')} EmailSegmenter * @typedef {import('./email-renderer')} EmailRenderer * @typedef {import('./email-renderer').MemberLike} MemberLike * @typedef {object} JobsService * @typedef {object} Email * @typedef {object} Newsletter * @typedef {object} Post * @typedef {object} EmailBatch */ class BatchSendingService { #emailRenderer; #sendingService; #emailSegmenter; #jobsService; #models; #db; /** * @param {Object} dependencies * @param {EmailRenderer} dependencies.emailRenderer * @param {SendingService} dependencies.sendingService * @param {JobsService} dependencies.jobsService * @param {EmailSegmenter} dependencies.emailSegmenter * @param {object} dependencies.models * @param {object} dependencies.models.EmailRecipient * @param {EmailBatch} dependencies.models.EmailBatch * @param {Email} dependencies.models.Email * @param {object} dependencies.models.Member * @param {object} dependencies.db */ constructor({ emailRenderer, sendingService, jobsService, emailSegmenter, models, db }) { this.#emailRenderer = emailRenderer; this.#sendingService = sendingService; this.#jobsService = jobsService; this.#emailSegmenter = emailSegmenter; this.#models = models; this.#db = db; } /** * Schedules a background job that sends the email in the background if it is pending or failed. * @param {Email} email * @returns {void} */ scheduleEmail(email) { return this.#jobsService.addJob({ name: 'batch-sending-service-job', job: this.emailJob.bind(this), data: {emailId:}, offloaded: false }); } /** * @private * @param {{emailId: string}} data Data passed from the job service. We only need the emailId because we need to refetch the email anyway to make sure the status is right and 'locked'. */ async emailJob({emailId}) {`Starting email job for email ${emailId}`); // Check if email is 'pending' only + change status to submitting in one transaction. // This allows us to have a lock around the email job that makes sure an email can only have one active job. let email = await this.updateStatusLock(this.#models.Email, emailId, 'submitting', ['pending', 'failed']); if (!email) { logging.error(`Tried sending email that is not pending or failed ${emailId}`); return; } try { await this.sendEmail(email); await{ status: 'submitted', submitted_at: new Date(), error: null }, {patch: true, autoRefresh: false}); } catch (e) { logging.error(`Error sending email ${}: ${e.message}`); // Edge case: Store error in email model (that are not caught by the batch) await{ status: 'failed', error: e.message || 'Something went wrong while sending the email' }, {patch: true, autoRefresh: false}); } } /** * @private * @param {Email} email * @throws {errors.EmailError} If one of the batches fails */ async sendEmail(email) {`Sending email ${}`); // Load required relations const newsletter = await email.getLazyRelation('newsletter', {require: true}); const post = await email.getLazyRelation('post', {require: true, withRelated: ['posts_meta', 'authors']}); let batches = await this.getBatches(email); if (batches.length === 0) { batches = await this.createBatches({email, newsletter, post}); } await this.sendBatches({email, batches, post, newsletter}); } /** * @private * @param {Email} email * @returns {Promise} */ async getBatches(email) {`Getting batches for email ${}`); return await this.#models.EmailBatch.findAll({filter: 'email_id:' +}); } /** * @private * @param {{email: Email, newsletter: Newsletter, post: Post}} data * @returns {Promise} */ async createBatches({email, post, newsletter}) {`Creating batches for email ${}`); const segments = this.#emailRenderer.getSegments(post); const batches = []; const BATCH_SIZE = this.#sendingService.getMaximumRecipients(); let totalCount = 0; for (const segment of segments) {`Creating batches for email ${} segment ${segment}`); const segmentFilter = this.#emailSegmenter.getMemberFilterForSegment(newsletter, email.get('recipient_filter'), segment); // Avoiding Bookshelf for performance reasons let members; // Start with the id of the email, which is an objectId. We'll only fetch members that are created before the email. This is a special property of ObjectIds. // Note: we use ID and not created_at, because imported members could set a created_at in the future or past and avoid limit checking. let lastId =; while (!members || lastId) {`Fetching members batch for email ${} segment ${segment}, lastId: ${lastId}`); const filter = segmentFilter + `+id:<${lastId}`; members = await this.#models.Member.getFilteredCollectionQuery({filter}) .orderByRaw('id DESC') .select('', 'members.uuid', '', '').limit(BATCH_SIZE + 1); if (members.length > 0) { totalCount += Math.min(members.length, BATCH_SIZE); const batch = await this.createBatch(email, segment, members.slice(0, BATCH_SIZE)); batches.push(batch); } if (members.length > BATCH_SIZE) { lastId = members[members.length - 2].id; } else { break; } } }`Created ${batches.length} batches for email ${} with ${totalCount} recipients`); if (email.get('email_count') !== totalCount) { logging.error(`Email ${} has wrong stored email_count ${email.get('email_count')}, did expect ${totalCount}. Updating the model.`); // We update the email model because this might happen in rare cases where the initial member count changed (e.g. deleted members) // between creating the email and sending it await{ email_count: totalCount }, {patch: true, require: false, autoRefresh: false}); } return batches; } /** * @private * @param {Email} email * @param {import('./email-renderer').Segment} segment * @param {object[]} members * @returns {Promise} */ async createBatch(email, segment, members, options) { if (!options || !options.transacting) { return this.#models.EmailBatch.transaction(async (transacting) => { return this.createBatch(email, segment, members, {transacting}); }); }`Creating batch for email ${} segment ${segment} with ${members.length} members`); const batch = await this.#models.EmailBatch.add({ email_id:, member_segment: segment, status: 'pending' }, options); const recipientData = []; members.forEach((memberRow) => { if (! || !memberRow.uuid || ! { logging.warn(`Member row not included as email recipient due to missing data - id: ${}, uuid: ${memberRow.uuid}, email: ${}`); return; } recipientData.push({ id: ObjectID().toHexString(), email_id:, member_id:, batch_id:, member_uuid: memberRow.uuid, member_email:, member_name: }); }); const insertQuery = this.#db.knex('email_recipients').insert(recipientData); if (options.transacting) { insertQuery.transacting(options.transacting); }`Inserting ${recipientData.length} recipients for email ${} batch ${}`); await insertQuery; return batch; } async sendBatches({email, batches, post, newsletter}) {`Sending ${batches.length} batches for email ${}`); // Loop batches and send them via the EmailProvider let succeededCount = 0; const queue = batches.slice(); // Bind this let runNext; runNext = async () => { const batch = queue.shift(); if (batch) { if (await this.sendBatch({email, batch, post, newsletter})) { succeededCount += 1; } await runNext(); } }; // Run maximum 10 at the same time await Promise.all(new Array(10).fill(0).map(() => runNext())); if (succeededCount < batches.length) { if (succeededCount > 0) { throw new errors.EmailError({ message: tpl(messages.emailErrorPartialFailure) }); } throw new errors.EmailError({ message: tpl(messages.emailError) }); } } /** * * @param {{email: Email, batch: EmailBatch, post: Post, newsletter: Newsletter}} data * @returns {Promise} True when succeeded, false when failed with an error */ async sendBatch({email, batch: originalBatch, post, newsletter}) {`Sending batch ${} for email ${}`); // Check the status of the email batch in a 'for update' transaction const batch = await this.updateStatusLock(this.#models.EmailBatch,, 'submitting', ['pending', 'failed']); if (!batch) { logging.error(`Tried sending email batch that is not pending or failed ${}`); return true; } let succeeded = false; try { const members = await this.getBatchMembers(; const response = await this.#sendingService.send({ emailId:, post, newsletter, segment: batch.get('member_segment'), members }, { openTrackingEnabled: !!email.get('track_opens'), clickTrackingEnabled: !!email.get('track_clicks') }); await{ status: 'submitted', provider_id:, // reset error fields when sending succeeds error_status_code: null, error_message: null, error_data: null }, {patch: true, require: false, autoRefresh: false}); succeeded = true; } catch (err) { logging.error(`Error sending email batch ${}`); logging.error(err); await{ status: 'failed', error_status_code: err.statusCode ?? null, error_message: err.message, error_data: err.errorDetails ?? null }, {patch: true, require: false, autoRefresh: false}); } // Mark as processed, even when failed await this.#models.EmailRecipient .where({batch_id:}) .save({processed_at: new Date()}, {patch: true, require: false, autoRefresh: false}); return succeeded; } /** * We don't want to pass EmailRecipient models to the sendingService. * So we transform them into the MemberLike interface. * That keeps the sending service nicely seperated so it isn't dependent on the batch sending data structure. * @returns {Promise} */ async getBatchMembers(batchId) { const models = await this.#models.EmailRecipient.findAll({filter: `batch_id:${batchId}`}); return => { return { id: model.get('member_id'), uuid: model.get('member_uuid'), email: model.get('member_email'), name: model.get('member_name') }; }); } /** * @private * Update the status of an email or emailBatch to a given status, but first check if their current status is 'pending' or 'failed'. * @param {object} Model Bookshelf model constructor * @param {string} id id of the model * @param {string} status set the status of the model to this value * @param {string[]} allowedStatuses Check if the models current status is one of these values * @returns {Promise} The updated model. Undefined if the model didn't pass the status check. */ async updateStatusLock(Model, id, status, allowedStatuses) { let model; await Model.transaction(async (transacting) => { model = await Model.findOne({id}, {require: true, transacting, forUpdate: true}); if (!allowedStatuses.includes(model.get('status'))) { model = undefined; return; } await{ status }, {patch: true, transacting, autoRefresh: false}); }); return model; } } module.exports = BatchSendingService;