import TextField from '@ember/component/text-field'; import classic from 'ember-classic-decorator'; import validator from 'validator'; import {classNames} from '@ember-decorators/component'; import {computed} from '@ember/object'; import {run} from '@ember/runloop'; // URI is attached to the window global as part of the // google-caja html-css-sanitizer-bundle const {URI} = window; let joinUrlParts = function (url, path) { if (path[0] !== '/' && url.slice(-1) !== '/') { path = `/${path}`; } else if (path[0] === '/' && url.slice(-1) === '/') { path = path.slice(1); } return url + path; }; let isRelative = function (url) { // "protocol://", "//", "scheme:", "#anchor", & invalid paths // should all be treated as absolute return !url.match(/\s/) && !validator.isURL(url) && !url.match(/^(\/\/|#|[a-zA-Z0-9-]+:)/); }; @classic @classNames('gh-input') export default class GhNavitemUrlInput extends TextField { // Allowed actions update() {} clearErrors() {} @computed('baseUrl', 'value') get isBaseUrl() { return this.baseUrl === this.value; } didReceiveAttrs() { super.didReceiveAttrs(...arguments); // value coming is likely to be relative but we always want to show // absolute urls in the input fields this.set('value', this._makeAbsoluteUrl(this.url)); } focusIn(event) { this.set('hasFocus', true); if (this.isBaseUrl) { // position the cursor at the end of the input (el) { let {length} = el.value; el.setSelectionRange(length, length); },; } } keyDown(event) { // delete the "placeholder" value all at once if (this.isBaseUrl && (event.keyCode === 8 || event.keyCode === 46)) { this.set('value', ''); event.preventDefault(); } // CMD-S if (event.keyCode === 83 && event.metaKey) { this.notifyUrlChanged(); } } keyPress(event) { this.clearErrors(); // enter key if (event.keyCode === 13) { this.notifyUrlChanged(); } return true; } focusOut() { this.set('hasFocus', false); this.notifyUrlChanged(); } notifyUrlChanged() { let url = this.value.trim(); let urlURI = URI.parse(url); let baseUrl = this.baseUrl; let baseURI = URI.parse(baseUrl); function getHost(uri) { let host = uri.getDomain(); if (uri.getPort()) { host = `${host}:${uri.getPort()}`; } return host; } let urlHost = getHost(urlURI); let baseHost = getHost(baseURI); // ensure value property is trimmed this.set('value', url); // if we have an email address, add the mailto: if (validator.isEmail(url)) { url = this.update(`mailto:${url}`); this.set('value', url); return; } // get our baseUrl relativity checks in order let isAnchorLink = url.match(/^#/); let isRelativeToBasePath = urlURI.getPath() && urlURI.getPath().indexOf(baseURI.getPath()) === 0; // if our path is only missing a trailing / mark it as relative if (`${urlURI.getPath()}/` === baseURI.getPath()) { isRelativeToBasePath = true; } let isOnSameHost = urlHost === baseHost || (!urlHost && isRelativeToBasePath); // if relative to baseUrl, remove the base url before sending to action if (!isAnchorLink && isOnSameHost && isRelativeToBasePath) { url = url.replace(/^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+:/, ''); url = url.replace(/^\/\//, ''); url = url.replace(baseHost, ''); url = url.replace(baseURI.getPath(), ''); // handle case where url path is same as baseUrl path but missing trailing slash if (urlURI.getPath().slice(-1) !== '/') { url = url.replace(baseURI.getPath().slice(0, -1), ''); } if (url !== '' || !this.isNew) { if (!url.match(/^\//)) { url = `/${url}`; } if (!url.match(/\/$/) && !url.match(/[.#?]/)) { url = `${url}/`; } } } // we update with the relative URL but then transform it back to absolute // for the input value. This avoids problems where the underlying relative // value hasn't changed even though the input value has if (url.match(/^(\/\/|#|[a-zA-Z0-9-]+:)/) || validator.isURL(url) || validator.isURL(`${baseHost}${url}`)) { url = this.update(url); this.set('value', this._makeAbsoluteUrl(url)); } } _makeAbsoluteUrl(url) { if (isRelative(url)) { url = joinUrlParts(this.baseUrl, url); } return url; } }