import ModalBase from 'ghost-admin/components/modal-base'; import classic from 'ember-classic-decorator'; import {action} from '@ember/object'; import {currencies} from 'ghost-admin/utils/currency'; import {task} from 'ember-concurrency-decorators'; import {tracked} from '@glimmer/tracking'; // TODO: update modals to work fully with Glimmer components @classic export default class ModalProductPrice extends ModalBase { @tracked model; @tracked price; @tracked currencyVal; @tracked periodVal; init() { super.init(...arguments); this.price = { ...(this.model.price || {}) }; this.topCurrencies = currencies.slice(0, 5).map((currency) => { return { value: currency.isoCode.toLowerCase(), label: `${currency.isoCode} - ${}`, isoCode: currency.isoCode }; }); this.currencies = currencies.slice(5, currencies.length).map((currency) => { return { value: currency.isoCode.toLowerCase(), label: `${currency.isoCode} - ${}`, isoCode: currency.isoCode }; }); this.allCurrencies = [ { groupName: '—', options: this.get('topCurrencies') }, { groupName: '—', options: this.get('currencies') } ]; this.currencyVal = this.price.currency || 'usd'; this.periodVal = this.price.interval || 'month'; } get title() { if (this.isExistingPrice) { return `Price - ${this.price.nickname || 'No Name'}`; } return 'New Price'; } get isExistingPrice() { return !!this.model.price; } get currency() { return this.price.currency || 'usd'; } get selectedCurrencyObj() { return this.currencies.findBy('value', this.price.currency) || this.topCurrencies.findBy('value', this.price.currency); } // TODO: rename to confirm() when modals have full Glimmer support @action confirmAction() { this.confirm(this.price); this.close(); } @action close(event) { event?.preventDefault?.(); this.closeModal(); } @task({drop: true}) *savePrice() { try { const priceObj = { ...this.price, amount: (this.price.amount || 0) * 100 }; if (! { = 1; priceObj.currency = priceObj.currency || 'usd'; priceObj.interval = priceObj.interval || 'month'; priceObj.type = 'recurring'; } yield this.confirm(priceObj); } catch (error) { this.notifications.showAPIError(error, {key: ''}); } finally { this.send('closeModal'); } } actions = { confirm() { this.confirmAction(...arguments); }, updatePeriod(oldPeriod, newPeriod) { this.price.interval = newPeriod; this.periodVal = newPeriod; }, setAmount(amount) { this.price.amount = !isNaN(amount) ? parseInt(amount) : 0; }, setCurrency(currency) { this.price.currency = currency.value; this.currencyVal = currency.value; }, // needed because ModalBase uses .send() for keyboard events closeModal() { this.close(); } } }